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LT Edit - Original Decision: http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=54365

ReMixer name - two-six

real name - Evan Joseph

e-mail - ojoe88@aol.com

user name (ocr forums) - chrono26

game - Chrono Cross

song remixed - "Leaving The Body"

name of mix - Astral Projection

ok guys, thanks a lot for the kind words about my mix and i'd like to thank everyone who helped me out with fixing up this mix. so here it is, my resubmission of 'Astral Projection'. I made a few very minor arrangment changes. everything else is volume and pan and things like that. I tried to use all the help that i got and i hope that there is a noticeable improvment in production quality. enjoy!

here's where you can download the file

kLuTz's View topic - Updated Chrono Cross Mix or (same page)


http://www.tzone.org/~llin/psf/packs2/Chrono_Cross_psf.rar - 113 "Leaving the Body"

I liked how you toned down the volume a little bit and eliminated some of the needlessly loud high frequencies from last time, like the cymbal activity. But aside from that, there really wasn't much difference in the production here as compared to your last version, which I kept because I liked it a hell of a lot.

I see that you added panning on those synths from :40-:54 & 2:06-2:20, and I liked the idea there, but that was the only significant panning idea involved in the whole track. Nonetheless, those sounds were very clear. Same goes for that saw-like synth you added in from 1:25-1:52. You should pull back the volume on that particular synth, but that sounded clear and crisp as well. Any idea how to get the rest of your track sounding like that? The track did sound noticeably cleaner than before, but it still sounds too distant and muffled. Check it out on some good headphones. I'm glad you didn't change the arrangement though. No need to touch that gold.

Sorry my man, but there's still a lot of work to be done with the mixing on this track. It really needs to be overhauled from the ground up. Really get things sounding awesome before you try resubmitting it again. Also, PM a judge to check it out for a resubmission instead of submitting through djpretzel a second time. You could have saved yourself a lot of wait time.

NO (resubmit)


I'm a fan of the amount of detail here. There's lots of counter-melodies, little percussive goodies and a varied instrumentation. I really like the staccato square wave that comes in and pans around like crazy. Very inventive. The warbly, wobbly synth that appears briefly is creative and helps add to the texture of the track.

Unfortunately, other than these interesting tidbits, we've got an arrangement that's largely on auto-pilot. It doesn't seem to go anywhere, creatively speaking. The percussion is mostly just a groovebox, with usually just additive/subtractive percussionism (yes, i made that shit up). Sometimes that kind of method can work. But in this case, it feels like a copout for sequencing drums that follow the action. That, and there's very little dynamics or punchiness to them.

Interesting synthetic ideas here, but not enough butta to keep the rolls from DISINTEGRATING OMF




I like that square too and the staccatto is extra hot since the 4th note in the sequence is held down which makes the other stacatto notes stand out even mo'.

Let it be known that I despise the piano. When it doubles another instrument, like at 2:26, it has this magical ability to make anything it's playing with sound like a little girly-man. It covers up any rough edges and hides all of the uniquity and flavor since it has so many clearly audible overtones. This also goes for piano by itself over drums, like at 1:00 when you left it alone with nothing but a quiet bass to baby-sit. This could definitely, along with dynamics, help to explain the lack of "punchiness". Where's the Punch? I NEED PUNCH!!

Finally the groove box percussion! It's true this stuff can work I suppose.... but with rhythms like from 0:00 to 0:55, and 1:53 to the end this requires that at least a couple of other instruments honor the "groove" being layed down. This only happens when the "staccato" square comes in which is why that section really stands out. All of a sudden the drums feel they're like part of the unit which strengthens everything else that's happening on top of them. Personally I prefer to have the drums constantly changing and interacting with all the other parts, but the groove box percussion would work much better if you just get your other instruments to help spell out the groove more often instead of just the square.

:!:The arrangement has a bell curve feel. The beggining and end are pretty much the same with a middle whose biggest contrast from the rest of the piece is it's simpler drum part.

:!::!:This needs more developement, more varied percussion or other instruments paying more attention to the percussion as it is, and finally either less piano or more grating sounds to counteract it when it's most present.



So glad to hear that the unruly bass that came in after the intro has been calmed down. It now blends a lot better with the other instruments. I still enjoy the arrangement, particularly 1:25-1:53 which really grooves things along with the percussion switch up and cool layered lead. Unfortunately this version still carries many of the problems that I mentioned in my first decision.

The track is still muffled with most of the problems resting in the background elements and the percussion. The elements that do peak out are pretty interesting though, such as the panned square wave deal. The piano at 0:55 still needs some work, this time in humanization. The velocities on the notes feel pretty unnatural as they skip around somewhat wildly at points. A good helping of EQ work wouldn’t hurt either.

Mastering is the missing ingredient here. Individual track as well as global EQ and compression are being begged for to bring some kick to this mix. Stop by the ReMixing forum for help with that. Otherwise, keep working at it man.


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