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Honestly surprised Steam's third party gifts lasted as long as they did. It's a shame so many exploited the system and the HIBs, else more people doing the achievements legit would have won actual games, but c'est la vie.

My final haul is a bunch of coupons and a game I'm never going to touch. XD While it'd be nice to trade it for another cheap game I'd actually play I don't think I'm gonna get any takers on the Steam forum. So if you want any of this lemme know and I can trade it to you.

Game: FlatOut

33% OFF Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine

25% OFF Valve

50% OFF Valve

50% OFF Demolition Inc.

50% OFF Puzzle Agent 2

50% OFF Left 4 Dead 2

50% OFF Assassin's Creed II Deluxe

50% OFF Shadowgrounds Survivor

And for the sake of curiosity, did anyone do the SMB achievement? I knew when I saw the first level it just wasn't going to happen for me. I am baaad at that game and still not done with it yet. ><

I can probably use that 33% off Warhammer 40k coupon


Okay Lyrai and Top Gun. My Steam name is Otakatt so you can add me and I'll add you and all that jazz. Just remind me of who you are in case your Steam name is a lot different than here. XD

Okay Lyrai and Top Gun. My Steam name is Otakatt so you can add me and I'll add you and all that jazz. Just remind me of who you are in case your Steam name is a lot different than here. XD

I should just pop up as Top Gun. Many thanks. :)


Well, on the final day, I completed all the little tasks I could (I have LfD2, but playing online's not doable for that achievement because of my connection speed). I've got 33% off any Valve game, and seven coal. Time to find out what I can turn that coal into...

**dramatic drum roll as he actually converts the coal**

... HOLY FUCK! Portal 2! Thank you Valve :-D

Well, on the final day, I completed all the little tasks I could (I have LfD2, but playing online's not doable for that achievement because of my connection speed). I've got 33% off any Valve game, and seven coal. Time to find out what I can turn that coal into...

**dramatic drum roll as he actually converts the coal**

... HOLY FUCK! Portal 2! Thank you Valve :-D

Enable the console by adding -console to launch options. In-game, type "map c1m1_hotel versus" into console. Don't close it. If you spawn as an infected, repeat the same command until you spawn as a survivor, as an AI controlled team will never leave the safe house and prevents you from switching teams. Be aware that sometimes the gifts won't count towards the achievement, but most of the time they will.

There's been speculation that the gifts drop according to some sort of timer and it seems this is true. You'll get your first gift pretty early into the map and then will have to wait a while to see another (even if you load up the map again). To reset the timer, just close out the game and start over until you've got all three.

After about 4-5 minutes the game will kick you out saying, "there's no human players on both sides". This isn't a problem though as you should have found a gift long before that time comes.


I've purchased every Humble Bundle since they started, so I had quite a few games for the giveaway, plus I slogged my way through some of those awful, awful free games. (CrimeCraft, uuuughhhhh.)

Came away with 15 coal (keeping them for the prize drawing), 9 coupons (a few of which I might actually use), and a free game (Monday Night Combat, which looks kind of cool). Not bad.

And for the sake of curiosity, did anyone do the SMB achievement? I knew when I saw the first level it just wasn't going to happen for me. I am baaad at that game and still not done with it yet. ><

I heard that the developers said that Steam put up the wrong achievement for the SMB Holiday Objective. You're supposed to just have to beat one of the Xmas levels rather than all of them. But the tougher achievement stuck. :\

Okay Lyrai and Top Gun. My Steam name is Otakatt so you can add me and I'll add you and all that jazz. Just remind me of who you are in case your Steam name is a lot different than here. XD

I'll show up as Utsuho.


I've got

-33% on valve

-50% on valve

-Extra copy of Frozen Synapse

I'll trade for pretty much anything(just want the achievement) but I'd prefer anything that would help me get


Dead Island

Dead Rising 2: Off The Record

Sonic Generations

Saints Row The Third

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Will also trade for coal

My steam name is IAmLiquid

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