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Roeteka Fallthrough

Apparently this got lost, he sent it in around first week of june.


RoeT says:

Heydehoo gots a Pokémon mix (OH NOES!)

It's a chillout mix, really relaxing and calm of the Pokémon Centre song. It started just with the melody playing around on the guitar, and then it fit great with some countered piano melodies. The congas were LordMaestro's idea (and the rhythm of them) so Kudos to you bud! I love me some ocean drum <3 Anyways, that's it here's the link:



Is it original VGM, or could it possibly be derived from music from the anime? Hate to say it but...who's the panel's resident Pokémon expert? :vomit:

In any case, I reviewed this for VGF in early June:

Liontamer]Roetaka - Pokémon Gold & Silver "Rest" [VGMix2 #4264]

Alex keeps it coming this week with some almost tropical-sounding chillout from a game I shall not name, for it makes me retch and gag. Charmander-char. I any case, at a lengthier 5:05, the track manages to wander aimlessly around a bit before returning to that sweet sequenced guitar melody. The support on strings, string pads, and piano was pretty solid, thought the drumkit felt rather out of place here. This was really one I appreciated for the compositional ideas rather than the production, which was downright muddy and washed out. That, and the needlessly loud volume, made it hard to really get a grasp on things, and probably went over the top with reverb in order to present a fairly ethereal atmosphere. With the mixing and mastering being reassessed, along with some other areas, this could be a winner. In its present stage, it's absolutely worth getting to keep tabs on Roe and is efforts to get onto OCR. You may still find yourself chillin' to this one.

Gonna have to run without the source on this one, but I pretty much said what I wanted to say in my Pimp Section comments. Composition was a bit meandering and repetitive, but functioned reasonably well for chillout. The production hurt this a lot, as there's no clarity or good separation of sounds. Sounded very dull and while I like reverb, there was too much of it in play. Drumkit felt out of place and was too loud, and when exposed the piano sounded very fake. The track was too loud for no justifiable reason. Keep working on it and provide the source if possible.

NO (resubmit)

  • 2 weeks later...
Is it original VGM, or could it possibly be derived from music from the anime? Hate to say it but...who's the panel's resident Pokémon expert? :vomit:

WTF is with the Pokémon hate? Pokémon is an awesome series of games with lots of depth to its gameplay. Don't be a hater. Pokémon is better than you. So get out. You're off the panel.

Also, for you information, pretty much all of the music from the anime is arranged VGM.

As for the mix, nice interpretation of the source, even though it takes a while to get there; the problem is that the mixing on this song stinks. The reverb is muddy (lol i am hypocrite) and the percussion is a bit too loud. Needs to be re-mixed (HA GET IT RE-MIXED LOL!).

Pokémon has cool music so I hope to see more mixes from the series. In the meantime, this mix get a NO. Keep at it.


I say this a lot. You don't have to write a five minute song, you can go for three instead.

The first 20 seconds are nice. Chunk 1: at 0:21 you bring in a melody which you repeat several times Chunk 2: at 1:08 you change up the melody a little but everything else stays exactly the same Chunk 3: At 1:53 the progression changes somewhat Chunk 4: 2:39 the first melody returns without any percussion Chunk 5: 3:23 percussion returns.

Separate from the intro you have five chunks to work with. If you make all of them shorter, then the soul of your arrangement will still be there, but it will be compacted.

I agree with DarkeSword about the muddiness. Some of it is caused by reverb BUT it also comes from CONSTANTLY having strings or flutes playing sustained notes and the dead center panned piano occupying the same territory as several other instruments. You don't need all of these layers all the time, and if you do have them, you've really got to pan that piano FAR FAR away from the guitar. So think shorter and cleaner. [shorter obviously is not a requirement, but it would help make it easier for you]



the airy instrument that arppegiates from the beggining is really pretty. The strings are also pretty, although the instruments seem to all be cluttered in the middle.

the song is 2:30 in and it's been pretty repetitive up to this point. the drums drop out but there's still nothing new going on. it's like another introduction.

The instrumentation and feel are nice, but there's really little to nothing going on in terms of arrangement. it's not enough to repeat the theme and occasionally drop out an instrument or two. lets hear some more ideas.


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