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Your ReMixer name: Hakstock

Your real name: Ivan Hakštok

Your e-mail address: hakstock@gmail.com

Your userid: 43292

Name of game(s) arranged: Chrono Cross

Name of arrangement: Dreamwave

Name of individual song(s) arranged: On the Banks of a Dream: Another World

Link to the original soundtrack:

Your own comments about the mix: 1st version of this mix was rejected about a week ago, main issue were the drums so I did them again from scratch with different samples. Other issues mentioned were the breakdown at 1:29 and the fade-out in the end, but I felt no need to change those. Other than that, I've changed one synth a little and re-balanced a few volume levels, but nothing too drastic. I hope you enjoy this :)

  • 1 month later...

I didn't hear the first version, so I am coming at this with fresher ears. The arrangement has a few cool aspects to it, with some rhythmic changeups and some new features. I'm cool with that; Part of the balance seems off though, with a lot of sonic space dedicated to backing instruments, and the lead frequently sounding overpowered. Part of it is that bass is pounding over everything else, making them sound thin by comparison. The drums sound fine per se, but some sections are just really empty.

I think the arrangement is fine carrying this, but the empty sections and balance need further tweaking. I also feel the fadeout isn't really working too well, and a composed ending would be better.

No, please resubmit

  • 2 weeks later...

I also never heard the original version. synths are a little generic, but not too bad. the overall mix is a bit harsh in the highs, especially some of the leads and the high-pitched arpeggios. I also agree with OA that some sections felt pretty sparse. the arrangement was fairly conservative but there was a lot of added arpeggios, rhythms and other minor modifications that helped keep it fresh. I think you need to take another pass at the mixing however, and work on beefing up the emptier parts of the soundscape.



I also didn't hear the first version, so I'm coming at this fresh.

Opens up with a decent fade in; pretty quiet. Interesting instrumentation approach with this theme. Once things picked up more at :37, the soundscape definitely felt very thin, with the percussion being a big reason for that. The lead synth at :50 and the doubling by the more saw-like synth wasn't bad, but it ended up sounding somewhat too loud. The theme was used a bit too quietly from 1:44-2:35, particularly with the belltones, and moreso when more elements were added in starting in at 2:10.

Decent escalation of the energy level at 2:36, it just seems like much of the processing and sounds were pretty generic, and the mixing lacked polish and clarity. Not feeling the akward key change at 3:00, which was awkward and poorly executed.

OA & halc are right that the arrangement is in the right direction, as it's creative and interpretive, but you've got to clean the mixing up and flesh out the instrumentation so that this sounds fuller. See what more you can do with it, if you're interested, but it seems like you're making progress.

Even if you don't or can't get this one above the bar, Ivan, you seem to be going in the right direction overall, and you're continuing to develop your skills. Definitely don't be discouraged and keep at it.

NO (resub)

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