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OCR Mascot Bios - 20 more up for grabs!

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Hopefully these aren't too different from their original ilk. First up, Master Buffalo:

M. Bison, the final boss of Street Fighter II, has long aspired to be the strongest martial artist in the world so as to dominate it. He is the mastermind behind Shadoloo, a covert crime organization, whose death toll has made many lust for revenge against the dictator. By hosting the second World Warrior tournament, Bison hopes to draw out and eliminate these potential threats to his plans.

In a one-on-one match, Bison likes to leap and dive through the air, cheating gravity. The Psycho Crusher turns him into a flaming human torpedo, the Scissor Kick is a quick but powerful feet-first lunge, and the Head Stomp is exactly what it sounds like. Additionally, in the Alpha series, M. Bison has mastered the Psycho Power, an occult energy that enables him to fly, teleport, and create multiple illusions of himself. Combined with his burning, pupil-less eyes, many see the madman as the embodiment of evil.

Plus another reference for the guy:

replacementdocs - Street Fighter II Turbo instruction manual

As for Ultraman XYZ:

Long after the events of the classic Mega Man series, the X series highlights the exploits of Dr. Light's last creation, known as X. He is the first robot with the human capacity to think for himself and make his own decisions, and this ability was soon built into every robot thereafter. Some of these Reploids — so called because their design was effectively "replicated" from X — chose to rebel against their human creators, the most aggressive among them bent on eradicating the human race. X makes it his purpose to hunt and destroy these "Mavericks" in an effort to protect the peace.

Like Mega Man before him, X has the Variable Weapons System; this allows him to copy a defeated Maverick's weapon into his X-Buster and use it for himself. Added to his arsenal is the ability to wall-jump to facilitate exploration. X may even find capsules left by the late Dr. Light that upgrade his systems into full armor. Joined by fellow Maverick Hunter Zero, X tackles the wave of robots led by the head Maverick, Sigma.


I like your additions in X's bio. They're subtle, yet they really help the flow and the clarity of the piece. And I'm okay with the stuff you reinstated / tweaked in Geno's bio.

Two quick +italics jobs:

- M. Bison - "Additionally, in the Alpha series..."

- Mega Man X - "...the X series highlights..."

More X fiXes:

- The word "lead" is spelt "led" when used in the past tense. ("...led by a sense of justice...")

- Add bold tags here: "Like Mega Man before him..." (italics are for games and game series)

#26-30 fixes...

1) Curly apostrophes ’ are sooooooo last week.

Star Fox

- Capitalize the second 'c' in "McCloud" in the Wiki link (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fox_McCloud)


- Capitalize "Morph Ball" ('cause it's the name of a power-up): "...the use of a Morph Ball bomb..."

- Fix the first Wiki link, anchor and all: Wikipedia - "Metroid (series) - Metroids"

- Found the latest outfit for that last reference:

replacementdocs - Super Metroid instruction manual


- Write the full game title in the "Pictured from" line: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

- Creator = Square, not Squaresoft. Or Circlehard for that matter.

- It seems the company AlphaDream is one word, not two. Their site confirms it.

- Game link update (yep): http://www.ocremix.org/game/super-mario-rpg-legend-of-the-seven-stars-snes/

- The 2nd reference evolves into a new Pokéman (pocket manual): replacementdocs - Super Mario RPG instruction manual

Samus Aran

- Swap the italics tags within the first line here: "...consult the Samus Aran (Prime) bio."

- Add elbow room around the dashes: "...never truly revealed to players — and was presumably male — until..."

Samus Aran (Prime)

- Delete the extra word in this sentence (bolded): "...backstory is present in this game than its in its predecessors..."

- The labels for the instruction manual references are fine; just fit them with new links:



Sweet sig, btw. :-P


- The word "lead" is spelt "led" when used in the past tense. ("...led by a sense of justice...")

Doh. I got it mixed up with "read". It's weird how they don't follow the same declension pattern, really. Anyway, isn't there a better word for "accidentally" in the second sentence? It sounds negative somehow. "Randomly" sounds too comical, and also like it happened several times. "Haphazardly" also sounds rather habitual. Suggestions from a native speaker?

Also, I added another wiki link for Geno. Maybe we can delete the old one? It really doesn't say much at all about him.

1) Curly apostrophes ’ are sooooooo last week.
Well goddamnit!! How many times do I have to "replace all"?! Arghhh!!!
- Creator = Square, not Squaresoft. Or Circlehard for that matter.
Try that joke with "Microsoft". I'd totally go for a name like that if I ever launched a hardware company. Or a gay porn website (though I suspect that in the latter case, the name is already taken, and the site is probably Russian, too).
- It seems the company AlphaDream is one word, not two. Their site confirms it.
Sure it's not "BetaNightmare"?
- Swap the italics tags within the first line here: "...consult the Samus Aran (Prime) bio."
Nuh... I'm so confused now. What? Did I get it right?
A very disturbing word, unless explained (which you did).
Anyway, isn't there a better word for "accidentally" in the second sentence? It sounds negative somehow. "Randomly" sounds too comical, and also like it happened several times. "Haphazardly" also sounds rather habitual. Suggestions from a native speaker?

You can replace "accidentally found" with "unearthed" to remove any feelings of "oops, made a terrible mistake somehow..." Dr. Cain finds Dr. Light's lab and X's capsule during an archaeological dig (the instructions say so), and "unearthed" has a subtle tone of awe and discovery, unlike the phrase "dug up" (which in some contexts can sound negative).

I added another wiki link for Geno. Maybe we can delete the old one? It really doesn't say much at all about him.

That brings up an interesting point, actually. Should we allow more than one Wiki link in the reference lists? I'm concerned because Star Fox has three of them detailing the major games he's been in - alongside the one for his character alone. A bit much, isn't it? Alternatively, we can keep the Wiki links the original author put into the bio, but if a character-specific page exists on Wikipedia but not in the reference list, then we add it, as you did with Geno. I see no harm in keeping the old link there, because readers can get an idea of the world Geno's coming from. But if you think we should allow only one Wiki link per mascot, let me know.


Here's how I get rid of curly quotation marks...

1) I open up a blank .wps file (used with Microsoft Works Word Processor) and type out the punctuation in Times New Roman font, a space between each mark: ‘ ’ “ ”

2) Then I open the bio edits .txt file in Notepad, placing the blinking "text goes here" line at the beginning.

3) I go to Edit --> Replace... (or hit CTRL + H on my keypad), then copy ONE curly mark into the first line and type its straight replacement (either ' or " ) in the second one.

4) Now I click the Find Next command once and Replace command X number of times until I reach the end of the document.

5) I repeat steps 3 and 4 using the other three marks - starting again from the beginning of the text file - and by the end they're gone.

The good news is those bastards are gone from this batch. So have a beer or something to celebrate.

- It seems the company AlphaDream is one word, not two. Their site confirms it.

Sure it's not "BetaNightmare"?

Crap, I meant ThetaReverie. Or was it SigmaVision? Or... OmegaTrance! That's it! (also: proof that it's one word)

- Swap the italics tags within the first line here: "...consult the Samus Aran (Prime) bio."

Nuh... I'm so confused now. What? Did I get it right?

You see that overt tag in front of the word Prime (and the i in the square brackets [] behind it)? The slash mark / belongs within the second set of brackets.

Finally, give the Metroid Prime 2 manual link its update:


...and these should be set.


Next batch.


Haven't checked all the links yet, and I need some help with some things. I've left comments in some of them. With your hawkeyes, I won't even need to point them out, I'm sure. A few comments / whatever:

"SNK vs. Capcom: /Capcom vs. SNK 2" ? That's just wrong...

voiced by Nobuyuki Hiyama, who provided Link's mature voice in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

Dude, that's like 12 seconds of voice acting. I wonder what he got paid. And how long it took to make that recording. And if Shigeru was present... or not. Anyway, that's a lot of nerd fame and immortalityness for a really quick job, heh.
Yep, commas and periods belong within quotation marks.
I won't call the shots, but it looks funny to me.
- A newb wouldn't know who Zasalamel or Setsuka are, especially if they're referred to only by name. I say leave 'em out.
Do we leave out the whole sentence or is there a way to explain that she's kind of an mid-range character, difficulty wise? Or is that what we just did in the previous sentence? Also, what is a "ring blade"? If you feel like cleaning that bio up, go ahead. I think it's usually pretty difficult to move things around when I don't know the character at all.
He also throws claws as Samus
Samus throws claws? Dang!
claws as Samus
CATFIGHT!! Oh wait, one of them is a giant dinosaur. Then it doesn't count.

Now tell me how I did with the edits - some of those sentences might not sound very natural to your ears.

No need to check the links for me just yet, I just need some more time.

No need to check the links for me just yet, I just need some more time.

All righty. Just remember to review instruction manuals (once more, here's the latest archive to grab updated links from) and Article lines (make sure they lead to the right author).

+italics job I overlooked last time (Geno's bio): "...the characters that debuted in Super Mario RPG..."

Maybe I should illustrate the Samus Aran preambles this way. Copy and paste the following two lines into their respective bios; they're surrounded by just one set of italics tags, and they have one set of bold tags inside, like so...

Samus Aran:

This article is one of two Samus biographies. For more information, consult the Samus Aran (Prime) bio.

Samus Aran (Prime):

This article is one of two Samus biographies. For more information, consult the Samus Aran bio.

#31-40 breakdown...


- Created by Square (the company's root name; Squaresoft is only the brand name, often used inaccurately)

- To my eyes, "Tea-dus" looks kind of odd. When writing pronunciation, it's often best to write out two Es for long "ee" sounds. Inflection (or syllable emphasis) is also needed, usually in CAPITALS. So I propose this: "TEE-dus"

- Yeah, that last paragraph sounds like it's catering to fanboys with a subliminal "buy this game" message. If you're up for it, the Wiki link should provide you with enough info on Tidus and/or FF10 to write about objectively. You can even move it to the beginning of the bio so the reader can understand the world of FF10 and its sequel-birthing influence before delving into character details. Or you can let me have a go at it.

Batsu Iichimonji

- Add the period . in 'vs.' in "SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighters' Clash" in the 3rd paragraph.

- Move the Neo Geo Pocket Color appearance above the Dreamcast list (for the order of release years).

"SNK vs. Capcom: /Capcom vs. SNK 2" ? That's just wrong...

I think Joe Redifer's Mega Man II ROBOVoice ReMix sums it up nicely: "Those folks at Capcom they have no shame / Make tons of sequels they will..."

Dude, that's like 12 seconds of voice acting. I wonder what he got paid. And how long it took to make that recording. And if Shigeru was present... or not. Anyway, that's a lot of nerd fame and immortalityness for a really quick job, heh.

Ironic that the hero of the #1 Game of All Time (on some lists) still cannot communicate with his own people.


- The Internet Movie Database (second reference)

- A newb wouldn't know who Zasalamel or Setsuka are, especially if they're referred to only by name. I say leave 'em out.

Do we leave out the whole sentence or is there a way to explain that she's kind of an mid-range character, difficulty wise? Or is that what we just did in the previous sentence? Also, what is a "ring blade"? If you feel like cleaning that bio up, go ahead. I think it's usually pretty difficult to move things around when I don't know the character at all.

The first sentence in paragraph 5 should be clear enough ("middling skill"), so remove the sentence that brings up characters Z and S. If you find it looks too fan-servicey after that, I'd say delete the whole paragraph. Saying her ring blade is "fun to watch" is, well, not objective to say the least. And "far-fetched"? "Adds a new twist"? The bio starts with, and stays in, a tone of objectivity throughout; by the end it feels like it turns around and goes, "but did you know it's awesome?!" The bio would end just fine with the 4th paragraph.

The ring blade is her bigass circular weapon. You can't miss it:



- Super Smash Bros. and Super Smash Bros. Melee both need the period . after Bros.

- Put the Super NES appearance above the Game Boy ones (for chronology).


as Samus

Congratulations sir, you've found a rarity in my posts: a typo! :lol:

- Didn't catch this the first time around:

shooting spines through holes in his stomach

Did you mean spikes? Here, it sounds like he shoots backbones through his stomach. Ouchies.


- Add bold tags here: "...grips Samus in his claws..."

Ridely also cameos in...

Oops! L before E!

- A colon : would work better than a semicolon here: "...from a dragon-like creature: he breathes fire..."


- Don't feel bad for slipping by Squaresoft in the "Created by" line. They used to put it on all their products as their brand name. To refer to the company as a whole, we're listing their root name, Square.


- Here, too (cut the "soft" from the "Created by" line).

- Give spaces to the dash marks: "...he ultimately sets out to — of course — save the world."

- Parts of the first and third paragraphs uproot vague, biased reception ("given stellar reviews"; "unique, original game experience that turned some players off"; "well-regarded bestseller"). I'll see what kind of monkey wrench I can crank in there.

Princess Ruto

- Good job getting rid of the Medallion tidbit. "Though her feelings for him are for nothing" isn't awkward English, but in the context of the paragraph it seems to break apart what's just been built up. Perhaps this: "After they leave Jabu Jabu, Ruto is revealed to have a crush on Link. This remains prevalent later on in the game, after the two have grown up. She asserts that she is the woman who is going to be Link's wife, without realizing what sort of destiny awaits her."


Yep, commas and periods belong within quotation marks.

I won't call the shots, but it looks funny to me.

That's how it is in American English. Unfortunately, I wasn't aware that the British / Australian way is to put punctuation outside quotation marks in certain cases. So when I found out, I promptly cleaned up watkinzez's bios in places where I previously moved punctuation inside quotations.

And the reason I'm quoting this under Azel and not Tira is because Miletus, the writer of Azel's bio, uses British / Australian English, as evidenced in how he spells "civilisation" and "favourite." So I withdraw my earlier comment about putting the comma inside the word 'servant' and say instead to leave it out ('servant',). In other words, my bad.

- Put spaces around the dash: "...among various factions — control of Azel..."

No sentence sounds like unnatural English to me, so thumbs up. AND... there's no curly quote marks! Hooray! :-D


Samus Aran:

This article is one of two Samus biographies. For more information, consult the Samus Aran (Prime) bio.

Samus Aran (Prime):

This article is one of two Samus biographies. For more information, consult the Samus Aran bio.

Why didn't you just SAY so...? fighting0029.gif Seriously though, I didn't catch that's what you meant at all by your previous instruction (that's me getting hit by the hammer you're holding, btw).

- Created by Square (the company's root name; Squaresoft is only the brand name, often used inaccurately)
You can tell me that again. And again. And again. To me, the maker is the one whose name shows up when starting the game, and since I didn't play this one, how would I know? :)
- To my eyes, "Tea-dus" looks kind of odd.
I changed it only to spite you. I had a good laugh doing it, too. I agree with your suggestion to capitalize the stressed syllable though.
Or you can let me have a go at it.
Please, go ahead.
I think Joe Redifer's Mega Man II ROBOVoice ReMix sums it up nicely: "Those folks at Capcom they have no shame / Make tons of sequels they will...
LOL, I've missed out on this until now. I wonder if this would have been accepted these days, even if mixed properly. I can barely hear the words for the crappy production. More like OLR, but they'd probably think it was too good for them. Speaking of which, I'm in the mood for some "hello cat" right now.

Ironic that the hero of the #1 Game of All Time (on some lists) still cannot communicate with his own people.

That was so awesome. One of the things that bothered me the most in that game was that you were able to return to Kokiri village as an adult, and everyone kept talking about this guy they knew who disappeared, and there's no way of telling them it's you. Broke my heart, it did, unwillingly keeping a secret like that.
The ring blade is her bigass circular weapon. You can't miss it:


Never gave that thing any thought before, I've been too busy waiting for her boobs to fall out of that ridiculous outfit. At least, I never realized that was a weapon she was holding.

Did you mean spikes? Here, it sounds like he shoots backbones through his stomach. Ouchies.

You got me back big time. Very ouch indeed. 'Course, I'd be in a lot of pain pushing spikes through my belly button, too... his body is described as "spiny", however. Does that mean he's a vertebrate or what?
- A colon : would work better than a semicolon here: "...from a dragon-like creature: he breathes fire..."
Yeah... what are semicolons for anyway? Outside of programming I mean...

- Don't feel bad for slipping by Squaresoft in the "Created by" line. They used to put it on all their products as their brand name. To refer to the company as a whole, we're listing their root name, Square.

If it weren't for that I want this all to be done right, I could care less what they choose to call themselves. As long as you know, I'm fine.
She asserts that she is the woman who is going to be Link's wife, without realizing what sort of destiny awaits her."
Much better, thank you.
That's how it is in American English.
Consistency ftw, but I doubt anyone will give a dayum about something as nitpicky as that once it's in the wiki, really. If we're gonna keep the spelling as it is, we might as well keep thr order of various odd characters too.

I'm gonna fix this and the links, too, before posting again.


Ok, I've checked all the links, I think. I made the reference to the Super Metroid manual a link and added one to the Metroid II manual in the Metroid bio (there's some nifty stuff about their development stages in there). Prepare yourself for some "oops I did it again", because I've probably missed some fixes in there.


I'm waiting for LT to reply to my PM about wikification and stuff. I guess he'll have to ask DJP, and who knows when he has the time to talk.


As long as you faithfully apply these fixes and keep a positive attitude about it, Dafydd, I'm happy. :-)

Also, wise choice in adding the Metroid II instruction manual. Yeah, that'll be a feast for fans of those gelatinous parasites. Just add the "replacementdocs - " prefix to the link's label and batch 3 is finalized.

#31-40... *cracks knuckles*


- The reason I said to check Article lines is because OmegaMe's name links to Psychotic Ninja's profile. Fix:


- I think the last paragraph can be read this way:

Final Fantasy X was one of the first fully 3D RPGs with an entirely voice casted script. Due to its critical success, it was the first game in the series to be followed up by a direct sequel: Final Fantasy X-2. In this game Tidus is not the main character, but rather the quarry of the main characters' quest.

Batsu Iichimonji

The Rival Schools Network link isn't working for me, but I suspect it'll be back up and running eventually. It's happened before with other reference links in other bios.


- I'm finding it hard to read the first sentence in the fifth paragraph without furrowing my brow in confusion. So her scant costume... is appealing. Okay. Middling skill level... wait. Isn't the costume supposed to be for show? I don't see how it gives any indication as to how hard it is to play as her. Her stance, maybe. The use of her ring blade... well, it's a fighting game, so of course esoteric weapons will be employed. Unconventional, but adds a twist to the gameplay, like her costume... but they're independent of each other. They ARE central to her character, but it's already proven earlier in the bio.

I dunno where Daethar dug up the bit about her costume appealing to average skill-level players. Even if the developers say that, it's just... awkward. I'd suggest removing the 5th paragraph altogether, because the rest of it doesn't say much objectively.

I've been too busy waiting for her boobs to fall out of that ridiculous outfit.

Yeah, who hasn't?

- Add a space between The and Internet in the second reference label.


- Super Smash Bros. and Super Smash Bros. Melee both need the period . after Bros.

Just one more, in the bio itself: "His appearance in Super Smash Bros. allowed..."

- As long as the second reference has an #anchor in its url, match up the label:

Zelda Universe - "The Great Hyrule Encyclopedia - Link"


his body is described as "spiny", however. Does that mean he's a vertebrate or what?

Last I checked, lizards (and by extension reptiles) are vertebrates. So yes.

- Here's the Super Metroid instruction manual to keep Kraid up to par with his fellow Space Pirate Ridley:

replacementdocs - Super Metroid instruction manual

- Wiki update:

Wikipedia - "Metroid (series) - Kraid"


Yeah... what are semicolons for anyway? Outside of programming I mean...

A semicolon acts more strongly than a comma, but doesn't halt a sentence completely the way a period does; it's often used before rephrasing the first clause or extrapolating an idea from it. A colon sets up a description or a list, like Ridley's actions: flying around, whipping his tail, screeching at the top of his lungs, purloining the last Metroid, and so forth.

- Add "replacementdocs - " at the start of the instruction manual's label.


He's clean. No more customs regulation for this animorphibian.


- Here's a possible clean-up to paragraph 1:

Serge is the silent protagonist of Chrono Cross, a role-playing game remotely based on its predecessor, Chrono Trigger. Much like Crono in the first game, Serge has no speaking parts aside from the various choices the player makes as his story unfolds. This allows the character to represent the player, rather than remaining confined to an assigned personality, which the other 40 or so playable characters in the game have.

And paragraph 3:

Chrono Cross follows neither the style of the Final Fantasy series nor that of its prequel Chrono Trigger. But despite its mixed fan following, it's regarded as an iconic title among PlayStation RPGs with its deep character development and its complex storyline.

Princess Ruto

The fish is good to go... with chips! :-P


If we're gonna keep the spelling as it is, we might as well keep thr order of various odd characters too.

Yeah, that's why I brought up the bit about punctuation and quotations. The original bio has it the old way ('servant',) and I voted to change it back to that. Unless writers say that they disregard certain regional differences, then we keep spelling and punctuation variations intact. (watkinzez used to write Super Smash Bros without a full stop (period) and to withhold hyphens from two-word adjectives such as "bee like" and "ill fated" according to Australian / British rules, but he says it's okay now to add full stops and hyphens in his bios.)



Who's a good boy? Yes you are! Have a treat!


- The reason I said to check Article lines is because OmegaMe's name links to Psychotic Ninja's profile. Fix:


Oops. I hope we don't have any more of these boo-boos.

Batsu Iichimonji

The Rival Schools Network link isn't working for me, but I suspect it'll be back up and running eventually. It's happened before with other reference links in other bios.

It's dead for me too, but I'm sure it'll come back up at some point. The website hasn't moved to another url, as far as I know.
I don't see how it gives any indication as to how hard it is to play as her.
See, a really bad player won't take interest in a scantily clad girl, and neither will a good player. Urrr. Yeah, paragraph removed, although I kinda liked how I'd rewritten it.
Last I checked, lizards (and by extension reptiles) are vertebrates. So yes.
Well duh. But then the same could be said about Samus...
(watkinzez used to write Super Smash Bros without a full stop (period)
Unless the Australian versions of these games came in boxes where the game title was written without the period, we're going to ignore this fact and add periods (and other results of with full stops in a woman's unsafe sex life (ok, that pun was really bad)) to all of his bios and everywhere else too. Even if we did leave "Bros." without the period (which I'm sure the brothers would appreciate), we'd still add those periods to every occurence of "Bros" in the list of appearances, and that just wouldn't make any sense at all.


Haha, cute. When this is over I'll need to get myself some replacementdogs.

Bravo, comrade. The bios are lookin' sharper than ever.

Just one small brush-up for Tidus:

...followed up by a direct sequel: - Final Fantasy X-2.

Choose either the colon : or the dash mark — here, since having one right after the other looks odd (unless you're doing it to spite me again...).

I won't push the issue in Azel's bio ('servant',) any further if you don't want to change it back. After all, regional differences are flimsy, and lines get crossed unknowingly all the time. watkinzez wrote "energizes" instead of 'energises' in Crono's bio, and I left it that way. So, no biggie.

Unless the Australian versions of these games came in boxes where the game title was written without the period, we're going to ignore this fact and add periods (and other results of with full stops in a woman's unsafe sex life (ok, that pun was really bad)) to all of his bios and everywhere else too. Even if we did leave "Bros." without the period (which I'm sure the brothers would appreciate), we'd still add those periods to every occurence of "Bros" in the list of appearances, and that just wouldn't make any sense at all.


Only one batch left! We're nearly there!

Choose either the colon : or the dash mark — here, since having one right after the other looks odd (unless you're doing it to spite me again...).

I won't push the issue in Azel's bio ('servant',) any further if you don't want to change it back.

These were just mistakes. Fixed now.

Only one batch left! We're nearly there!

Yeah, who knew? And here it is! Replacementdocs seems to be down atm, so I wasn't able to check the links there... also wasn't sure how to label the GameFAQ links.


*puts on radiation suit* I'm going in.


- Creator = Square

- Both Yuna and Tidus's bios say that 1) FF10 is fully 3D and voice casted, and 2) its sequel focuses on finding Tidus. Plus, OmegaMe seems to have slipped in a bit of subjective reception (in the last sentence). So to limit info overlap between these two bios (and stay objective), I'd suggest removing the third paragraph altogether and replace the first paragraph with the following:

While the story of Final Fantasy X is focused on and narrated by Tidus, Yuna is the central character in terms of the purpose behind the main characters' journey. All of Yuna's fellow travelers come along solely to guard her on her quest to bring back a period of peace to her world. Yuna's name means, in different regions of Japan, both "night" and "blossom" and also refers to a hibiscus flower that blooms at night; this is symbolic of Yuna freeing the world of Spira from a time of pain.


...he does not use it prior to The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker and the spin-off game Super Smash Bros Melee.

The way this is worded sounds as though Melee is a spin-off Zelda game. Either cut "the spin-off game" from that sentence or change it to "the fighting game" to avoid confusion.

- There are some superfluous details in the 3rd paragraph regarding the Ocarina of Time storyline. I think some things can be left out, and the paragraph can be read this way:

The King of Evil's backstory is first discussed in the 1998 title The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, which is the first part of the series's story. Originating in the desert in the west of Hyrule, he proposes an alliance between the Gerudo race and the Hylian King. A young Zelda and Link realize his intentions are not what they seem to be, and the two children embark on a quest to protect the Triforce from him. However, Ganondorf manages to claim it for himself and he takes over Hyrule. In the end his form becomes mutated by the corrupting power of the Triforce, and he becomes Ganon.

- Add a period . in Super Smash Bros. Melee (in Appearances and References)

- Add at the end of the instruction manual link

Dr. Robotnik

- Write out "Doctor" in the Wiki label. That's all. Also kudos on writing out "replacementdocs - " for each of the instruction manuals.

Bonus Kun

- Capitalize the K every time you see "kun" (consistency)

- I feel "techniques of fighting" should be altered to "fighting techniques" (the former sounds odd to my ears)

- Add spaces around the dash marks: "...little more than headbutts — and kicks of some nature — at his disposal."

wasn't sure how to label the GameFAQ links.

The FAQs we link to are fan-made, and I think writing "by (fan's pseudonym)" in the link label helps in two ways: 1) it credits the original author of a self-contained .txt file and 2) chances are there's more than one FAQ with the same name - unoriginally titled after the game it's detailing - and differentiating between "Galaxy Fight FAQ" and "Galaxy Fight FAQ" would be annoying. The name's not immediately noticeable when using hyphens to separate parts of the article name, as we've been doing to Wikipedia. So for Bonus Kun:

GameFAQs - "Galaxy Fight by Joe Palanca"

- I dunno why Lin linked to Wikipedia with a "www" in its path. Readjustment:


Fei Fong Wong

- Creator = Square

- Add "replacementdocs - " at the start of the instruction manual label.


Super Mario Bros.

Odd how the period appears outside of the italics barrier (3rd paragraph)...

- As with Fei Fong Wong, put "replacementdocs - " in the instruction manual label.

Mega Man

- Follow the examples of Fei and Mario and attach "replacementdocs - " to the instruction manual label (last reminder, I swear)

Terra Branford

- Creator = Square (the last of THIS reminder too, I swear by the great pretzel!)

- I think a comma would help in the first paragraph: "As such, she represents..."

- Magitek Knight, Magitek Armor (capitals needed in Knight and Armor when the word Magitek comes first)

- I see how you got confused on what to label this GameFAQ reference. (The author calls himself Jeff Chan as well as Atom Edge.) Did you notice the header up top? It doesn't just have the name of the browser you're using; it has a full title, FAQ name and author included:

GameFAQs: Final Fantasy III (SNES) FAQ / Walkthrough by Atom Edge

I say if the header has a unique title like that, use it.

- A toast to the half-Esper's Wiki link, #anchor and all:

Wikipedia - "Characters of Final Fantasy VI - Terra Branford"

The Prince

- "...sequel's single player mode." (reads more completely that way)

- We talked about removing his quote because it's contradictory to what the bio says ("Appearing mute throughout the game..."). So off with his tongue!

- Change PSP to PlayStation Portable in the Appearances list.

- Me and My Katamari --> Me & My Katamari (+ampers&)

- For the GameFAQs label:

GameFAQs: Katamari Damacy (PS2) FAQ by aechris

- I question the value of the third reference. It's a YouTube video, meant to parody KD. It's humorous, but do we want it to be a part of a bio that'll be a part of OCR? I offer a more worthwhile replacement:



- A possible fix for the 2nd paragraph's 2nd sentence:

However, it is revealed in the arcade game Ms. Pac-Man (released by Midway without authorization from Namco, Pac-Man's original creators) that he has a romantic interest of the same name, as well as a child in Jr. Pac-Man, both of whom are round, yellow people like him.

- And a touch-up to the 3rd paragraph's 2nd sentence:

Many who have played no other video game have played Pac-Man at some point.


That's weird. The image pathway doesn't have "www" in its url, but it links properly. Here's the image link with the www extension:


Replacementdocs seems to be down atm

I tell ya, if it isn't one host, it's another. I checked the original site and found that the "Download" arrows work again, using a different path / host (jarcas.dreamhosters.com). You may update them en masse if you so choose...


Doom Trooper: http://jarcas.dreamhosters.com/rdocs/Ultimate_Doom_-_Manual_-_PC.pdf

Sonic the Hedgehog: http://jarcas.dreamhosters.com/rdocs/Sonic_the_Hedgehog_-_Manual_-_GEN.pdf

Joanna Dark: http://jarcas.dreamhosters.com/rdocs/Perfect_Dark_-_AU_Manual_-_N64.pdf


Captain Falcon: http://jarcas.dreamhosters.com/rdocs/F-Zero_-_Manual_-_SNS.pdf

Bowser: http://jarcas.dreamhosters.com/rdocs/Super_Mario_Bros_-_Manual_-_NES.pdf


M. Bison: http://jarcas.dreamhosters.com/rdocs/Street_Fighter_II_Turbo_-_Manual_-_SNS.pdf

Donkey Kong: http://jarcas.dreamhosters.com/rdocs/Donkey_Kong_Country_-_Manual_-_SNS.pdf

Mega Man X: http://jarcas.dreamhosters.com/rdocs/Mega_Man_X_-_Manual_-_SNS.pdf

Metroid (2):



Geno: http://jarcas.dreamhosters.com/rdocs/Super_Mario_RPG_-_Manual_-_SNS.pdf

Samus Aran: http://jarcas.dreamhosters.com/rdocs/Super_Metroid_-_Manual_-_SNS.pdf

Samus Aran (Prime) (2):




Tidus: http://jarcas.dreamhosters.com/rdocs/Final_Fantasy_X_-_Manual_-_PS2.pdf

Kraid: http://jarcas.dreamhosters.com/rdocs/Super_Metroid_-_Manual_-_SNS.pdf

Ridley: http://jarcas.dreamhosters.com/rdocs/Super_Metroid_-_Manual_-_SNS.pdf

Serge: http://jarcas.dreamhosters.com/rdocs/Chrono_Cross_-_Manual_-_PSX.pdf

Princess Ruto: http://jarcas.dreamhosters.com/rdocs/The_Legend_of_Zelda_-_Ocarina_Of_Time_-_Manual_-_N64.pdf

41-50 +151:

Yuna: http://jarcas.dreamhosters.com/rdocs/Final_Fantasy_X_-_Manual_-_PS2.pdf

Ganondorf: http://jarcas.dreamhosters.com/rdocs/The_Legend_of_Zelda_-_Ocarina_Of_Time_-_Manual_-_N64.pdf

Dr. Robotnik (5):






Fei Fong Wong: http://jarcas.dreamhosters.com/rdocs/Xenogears_-_Manual_-_PSX.pdf

Mario: http://jarcas.dreamhosters.com/rdocs/Super_Mario_Bros_-_Manual_-_NES.pdf

Mega Man: http://jarcas.dreamhosters.com/rdocs/Mega_Man_-_Manual_-_NES.pdf

Terra Branford: http://jarcas.dreamhosters.com/rdocs/Final_Fantasy_III_-_Manual_-_SNS.pdf

Otacon: http://jarcas.dreamhosters.com/rdocs/Metal_Gear_Solid_-_Manual_-_PSX.pdf

I'll get cracking on my batch when I'm sober.


Pretty :nicework: for a drunk guy, I'd say. Sorry for all the blunders in this batch, I just can't seem to actually proof read them all at once, I get too bored after just a few paragraphs. Then I have to take a good number of deep breaths (by doing something fun) before diving back into boredom. It's going to be done better if I let you do it :) So thanks for the fixes, I'll make the necessary adjustments (but not today, I left for work at 6:40AM and got home from it at 7PM, bleh) and maybe find something you missed (since you were drunk and all and I very rarely am (though I might seem like it at times)).


I was gonna say I'd get cracking when I had sufficient rest, but "sober" just kinda popped outta me. Even I'm not PERFLECTLY Englishly. :lol:

And it's good to take a step back and do something fun now and then. Helps keeps us sane... and sober, heh.

It's going to be done better if I let you do it :)

I just do whatever you don't do. :-P


I actually count the number of avatars that Nineko subbed in the avatar thread. :lol:

In other news, I renewed my subscription to every instruction manual link in my batch, Larry still hasn't answered my PMs or dropped a hint that he started Wiki'ing, and http://www.projectjustice.com/ is still down in the dumps and I can't seem to cheer it up.


I did everything you mentioned, Polo, except

- I made every reference "Bonus kun" instead of "Bonus Kun" because that's what appears on the game screen in Waku Waku 7

- I omitted the reference to Jr. Pac-man because a scene in Ms. Pac-man shows the couple receiving a tiny Pac-child from a stork

Here it is: Batch 41-50 + Otacon


Nice work Lin. I just have two last nitpicks before we wrap up these gems and send them off to the End Bosses...

Yuna - The first sentence only says "the game" and assumes that the reader knows what game's being talked about. I know Yuna's "Pictured from" line gives it away, but for the sake of keeping the "Bio" chunks of these reports self-sustaining, I suggest adding the title Final Fantasy X somewhere in that opening sentence. ("While Final Fantasy X is focused on..." or "...Yuna is the central character of Final Fantasy X in terms of...")

Ganondorf - After some Googling, I can tell you that the PAL release of Melee has a period after Bros. in the title. Yes, I know they sometimes leave it off out of habit through British English, but just as the Game Boy Color doesn't really have a 'u' in it, so too does Super Smash Bros. Melee officially have an abbreviation mark in its title. Besides:

I started using full stops later on for Bros. etc, so no difference there either.

Dafydd and I decided to add "full stops" whenever "Bros." appeared in his bios, and that includes Super Smash Bros. Melee in the Appearance and Reference sections here. For consistency, of course.

And that's all of it.

- I made every reference "Bonus kun" instead of "Bonus Kun" because that's what appears on the game screen in Waku Waku 7

Okay. I'm glad you changed it to lowercase in the top line (the mascot's name) to stay consistent.

- I omitted the reference to Jr. Pac-man because a scene in Ms. Pac-man shows the couple receiving a tiny Pac-child from a stork

Well I'll be a Pac-Uncle. A quick play-through of Ms. Pac-Man confirms it.

Also for the record, every instruction manual link works just fine, with either the ftp.planetmirror or (in my batch) jarcas.dreamhosters url path.

Oh, and Dafydd, if you feel the Rival Schools Network link in Batsu's bio won't ever work again (or at least anytime soon), you could exchange it for this one:

Justice Network

If you agree to it, I can do that for Edge, Roberto, and Akira in my text file as well.

And about submitting these... You guys want me to gather our up-to-date text files (links to 1-10 / 11-20 / 21-30 / 31-40 by Dafydd, 41-50 by Linearity, 51-154 by me) and PM both djpretzel and Liontamer with a formal message of some sort? If you have something you want to say, I can add your words to our collective PM. Thoughts?


Speaking of Pac-Man...


Oh, and Dafydd, if you feel the Rival Schools Network link in Batsu's bio won't ever work again (or at least anytime soon), you could exchange it for this one:

Justice Network

If you agree to it, I can do that for Edge, Roberto, and Akira in my text file as well.

Why not just add rather than exchange? In case the old link starts working again, I mean.

And about submitting these... You guys want me to gather our up-to-date text files (links to 1-10 / 11-20 / 21-30 / 31-40 by Dafydd, 41-50 by Linearity, 51-154 by me) and PM both djpretzel and Liontamer with a formal message of some sort? If you have something you want to say, I can add your words to our collective PM. Thoughts?

You gather them up, I send the PM. This is my project, and I wi... want to do it. No, seriously, go ahead and send it. Liontamer is taking a while, so I guess the time has come to try the top floor. Sending them to both is a good idea though. Now... I have nothing to say, really, other than "sorry for taking so long" and all that. But, I would like you to ask them how the wikification is going to be done. Can any of us be given wiki accounts to upload the bios? And, would it be nice to have them uploaded in time for them to be given as sort of a christmas present to the community? Or would djp rather wait until the next version of OCR (I heard him mention recently that a new one was "in the works")?

And that's all of it.


Mention to djpretzel that we've strived to do professional work and that after a long wait and much passionate labor, we think that this project would be a fine addition to OCR. Or something like that, if, of course, you guys agree.

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