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Static rave- I think what your problem is with the bass is the fact that you have a lot of the bass coming from EQ boosts instead of the bass synth. Usually you should tend to use EQ to sculpt the sound, not create it. The way I mastered it (since its an .rps I can't send it to you) I took the master bass level down from around 6 to about 1.1. I also took the bass EQ down some as well. The bass should usually stay behind a bit instead of taking up the whole mix. Another thing to keep in mind is that your master mix down should be about equal in high and low frequencies, the people who like bass will boost their bass knobs and the people who like treble will boost those; don't try to force feed them... Anywho, on to the lead, I usually put my lead through a unison set to about 50 dry; enough to get a little width, but won't sound soft. I tend to use mirror synths to add to the backing of some of my synths, which might help with adding depth to your synth. Also, if you patch a Scream into the Oscillator output and Audio input (Filter A, Filter B) it will stand out more. Otherwise, it is very well done. Keep it up!

I'll comment on under the ice after class...


Ooo!! Ok, I can agree with the bass idea, i can see it in all my bass-y peices now. That'l be a habit to break, thanks for that! I'l test out the unison and scream ideas when i get home, same with the mirror synth. Thanks dude, your a champ!

I think i'm going to restart this almost from scratch, sound-wise. The rack is a bit cluttered, and i've found better ways of organising recently, plus the ideas with sound, so the next file posted here will be an .rns and cleaner!

  • 4 weeks later...

I hope people are still reading this thread....

Anyway, i need major help. In case you havnt noticed, i'm in the Full Metal Alchemist remix project, and theres a song I went with called Scar, which is mostly percussion, and no melody til just after halfway through. The melody consists of 4 notes (i, iii, i, ivA) played on brass. So this is my mix of it.

I kept in mind the final eq shaping problems i had in my last tunes the whole way but when i got to the final EQ i found i had to dip the bass a fair amount, is that normal? I'v never been able to get a comfortable kick either, so is there some effect/technique/idea i'm missing? I'm not sure bout balance of volumes overall either.

You'l want Microlab Pack 1 for this, its 3.0 but i just downloaded 3.04 so i'l be able to open any of those. Heres the file (rns this time :P)

http://www.geocities.com/v_gasm2000/ScarProp.zip (rightclick and choose save as, direct link wont work *shrug*)

Sorry, my hosting's disappeared for the time being, so your RPS files aren't online. They might not be around for a while, wait a month or so. :(

no problems, i think people had enough time to grab em anyway :P Thanks heaps for hosting em this long though.

  • 1 month later...

I'll have a few files up later. Granted they may not be the final mastered versions of my remixes, but they'll be the basic package.

This "song files as tutorials" idea needs to be taken to the next level. I recall a year or so ago when Prot was trying to create a whole website where OCR folk could post their remix song files. I was rather disappointed that it never really took off.

This thread at least needs to be sticked or something.

Been meaning to do this one for a while. It's the .rps file of my Synthetic Demon (E1M5) mix from the game Doom.

Check it out if you feel like it, it's about 26mb though, so be prepared to wait a bit.


Wow, you got some serious Reason skills! :D

We need more stuff on this thread! Perhaps we should also do a 'Reason originals' thread or something. What do you guys think?

  • 1 month later...

Heres a cleaned up version of my entry to the PRC:A 10 comp. If you havnt voted, get there and do eet! http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=79996 <--- there ya go!

Anyway, its in the zip file as an RNS (not RPS) because i'd appreciate any help with it. Even if its just 3-4 little tweaks on a synth, if it cleans up it, i'm happy. Feedback is also awesome. Enjoy!


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