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Hello everyone. so recently i was asked by a friend working on a fan game to make a duck hunt remix. i was really happy with the way it turned out and i am hoping to submit it to the site. I was also surprised to find no one has yet remixed duck hunt (at least i could not find any remixes posted) however before i submit i wanted to post it here first and get feedback so i can make sure its up to OCR standards.

My main concern is with the over all mix, unfortunately i am limited to using rather standard headphones for the moment ( and we all know headphones tend to lie at times) so i would like to get your scrutiny on the song and let me know what you think of the overall quality and mix. like does anything sound like it should be louder or lower. or maybe any other suggestions or tips you may have.

it is a mix of original game melodies along with some improvised ones to make it loop properly (duck hunt only has tiny melodies that last a couple of seconds and dont loop very harmonically)

I hope you enjoy and with a little luck i will be able to successfully submit this to one of my all time favorite childhood websites, enjoy!

Leon - Duck Hunt SSBC Remix:


I think I'll leave this here... ;-)

I like the variations that you've made to the theme - retaining the rhythms and general shapes work well to expand the source. I suggest you use other methods to expand the themes, though - in the beginning it starts to get repetitive. Try stretching the theme and layering that idea under the rest of the track, for example.

The square wave + bass drum is too empty of a soundscape to use for too long. Figure out a way to fill the soundscape for the track better. The middle of the mix, for example, has a very nice soundscape - try incorporating more ideas like that earlier in the piece.

I like this song, though. I don't think it's OCR standard, yet, but I believe with some compositional changes and soundscape adjustment it would have a shot. It's refreshing to hear more minimalist approaches, from time to time.

Oh yeah, don't forget a link to the

- when I first heard this I forgot about the other themes in Duckhunt and almost called you out on it being too liberal. Best of luck, man.

haha i knew i couldn't be the only one XD. i guess i need to practice my google fu a little more. cool to hear some other remixes :)

i know what you mean about it getting repetitive, i thought the same thing but couldn't really figure out what to do at the time. altho as i write this now im getting a couple of ideas :P

ill add more. how about the over all mix?


I agree with Gario, the drums dont seem very strong/loud.

And (maybe because of youtube) the high end and mid highs sound a bit flat but this track is bumpin and lots of potential in this!

Last problem is that its posted on youtube : /

Post your music at high quality mp3/wav stream hosts like tindeck.com(mp3 only) , soundcloud.com(mp3&wave) , etc...

then you can post your music on youtube.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hey! I am no expert in music. so I can't tell you what needs tweaking, how to give it some energy, or anything else actually helpful in the slightest. :/

I do know that I like what I'm hearing, that it's a bit slow but it keeps me listening to it. I Cant wait to see what you do with what you got, cause its already pretty awesome.

keep up the good work!

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