DragonAvenger Posted January 29, 2012 Posted January 29, 2012 ReMixer Name : SkyRiderX Real Name : Joseph Zellerkraut UserID: 44431 Game : Final Fantasy IX Original Composer : Nobuo Uematsu Remix/ Arrangement Name : Forgotten Dream Original Arrangement Track : Unforgotten Face This is my re-submission for Unforgotten Face from Nobuo's sountrack for Final Fantasy IX. This was inspired by the desire to make a track for Sir Frately (Freya's lover) since he doesn't really have his own song in game nor do you ever get to play as him. I thought this was unfair since Frately is just as strong and cool as Beatrix but you only get to use her at one point in the game. On top of that he never appears again in the entire game until after you beat it so I thought I'd do him some justice by making a remix to Freya's theme that gave more of a feel for his journey. The source track was scarce which it hard to create a whole song it from it but I was able to pull some nice ideas together for a "journey" to be made within the song. Enjoy! --- SkyRiderX
Fishy Posted April 4, 2012 Posted April 4, 2012 The sounds used the intro immediately sound very mechanical and the samples aren't the best quality, including the rain recording. This is mostly the case throughout, some interesting synths but pretty mechanically sequenced too. The sounds used at a bit all over the place, mish mash of unrelated sounds and samples that don't really gel. I can hear you've done a lot to try and vary up the sounds and keep things moving, but if it's not coming together properly to make something cohesive then it has the opposite of jarring it up. In terms of arrangement, lot's of weird things jumping in an out like the drums suddenly simplifying in the middle of the section at 0:53, that slightly out of key line at 2:03, you've got 4/4 drum patterns over the 6/4 source which could be cool but I'm not entirely convinced it's been done on purpose and the ending just kind of stops at a sightly awkward unresolved point. I think you've got to start looking at your production as a whole rather then as individual sounds as it's not really coming together cohesively, although I can hear what you're trying to do. NO
OceansAndrew Posted April 5, 2012 Posted April 5, 2012 There are flashes of brilliance throughout, but overall it is feeling like it needs additional polish And balance adjustments. The instruments overall are ok, but the sequencing feels very stiff. Fishy has some good crits that will help you improve what needs to be improved while still keeping the parts of thesong that are really good intact. The OCR WIP threads are a great place to get detailed feedback and assistance, I recommend you take advantage of it to further improve this! no, please resubmit
Emunator Posted April 7, 2012 Posted April 7, 2012 Not much else to add here, the sequencing and sample usage here is extremely rigid with no dynamics or humanization to speak of. The samples themselves aren't very high quality either. The drums kind of just come in at full-force and there's no real lead-up to their entrance. I really like that distorted synth melody that comes in at 1:04, that's one of the most interesting sounds you've got in the arrangement. The writing here is very dramatic and sticks with a pretty cohesive mood, but I can't say the same about the instrument choices themselves, there seems to be some degree of randomness to the sounds being used and, like Fishy said, there's not very much cohesiveness going on here. Just some random stream-of-consciousness thoughts on the mix, I think Fishy nailed it with his assessment of what would need to be fixed for this to pass so I don't have much to add. NO
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