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Hi everyone! It's been a few years since I've been to the forum. In my absence, I went through four years of college, learned to program, and adopted the philosophy automating anything I do frequently that takes time out of my day.

With that goal in mind, I wrote a small script to keep my iTunes library up-to-date with the latest remixes from ocremix.org. I put it on github, along with some instructions for setting it up to run automatically once a day. It can download every remix featured on the front page, or just a subset of tracks (e.g. those matching Sonic or Zelda). It can download to an arbitrary directory, or automatically add the tracks to your iTunes library, if you'd like.

I figured if anyone would find this useful, it'd be the people on this forum. If you'd like, feel free to fork it and add features; I'll be happy to merge them into the project. Take care!



Hell yeah! That's awesome! Way to use your knowledge for the good of nerdkind. :nicework:

I don't suppose this would work with Windows Media Player? I know, iTunes is better, I just haven't gotten it yet and have my stuff in Windows Media.


It looks like the script can be set to either automatically import to iTunes, or you can specify the folder to download files to. So if you find whatever folder on your hard drive that WMP is watching (probably My Music or something) and tell it to download things to there, it should work fine.


Oh sweet, this is a Ruby script! Maybe this will actually force me to mess around with Ruby like I've been meaning to for the last few months...

Anyway, nice job. I'll definitely be getting this up and running on my desktop this week. :)!!


Google Music does support importing an iTunes library, so you could almost make this let you import OCR songs directly into it. You'd just need to run iTunes once every day as well, so that it would detect the new songs, and then as soon as they've been added to iTunes' database, Google Music Manager will see them and start uploading.

(This is close to my current setup, as I use iTunes only as an intermediate location to make syncing to Google Music easy. I use MediaMonkey to actually listen and organize things, and just open iTunes and sync from MM to iTunes when I've added things I want to go to GM.)


So how does a complete dumbass like me get this script working in a Windows environment? I've installed Ruby and tried running the script in a command prompt but it keeps spitting this back at me:

ocremix.rb:4: syntax error, unexpected '<'
<!DOCTYPE html>
ocremix.rb:5: syntax error, unexpected '<'
ocremix.rb:8: syntax error, unexpected '<'
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
ocremix.rb:8: syntax error, unexpected tIDENTIFIER, expect
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">


@RealFolkBlues: Windows Media Player will work fine. Just set the script to download to a folder and then import that folder's contents into WMP. SuperSlacker was exactly right. I'm not sure if Windows Media Player can watch folders to automatically add tracks from a certain directory. I haven't used WMP in years.

@chroxic: Good luck!

@KyleJCrb: I haven't seen that error before! Is there any other information you can give me? What version of Ruby are you using, for instance?

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