djpretzel Posted August 2, 2005 Posted August 2, 2005 Contact Info ----------------- ReMixer name: Alastair E-Mail address: No website UserID on the forums: 1130, I think ( ) ReMix Info -------------- Game ReMixed: Terranigma Songs ReMixed: Opening, Overworld, New Waters, Resurrection Comments: 2x acoustic guitar + oboe rendition of some of my favourite Terranigma songs. That game just can't get enough lovin' And to clarify things: yes, the song is all synth. Mostly played in on my MIDI keyboard to get a natural feel and then tweaked quite a bit. The arrangement came to me kind of naturally when I just sat down to play with the acoustic guitar patch. I'm pretty happy with the song's flow.
Sam Ascher-Weiss Posted August 5, 2005 Posted August 5, 2005 - "Light and darkness" (ts-02.spc)[0:00-0:40] & "Light Side Field" (ts-17.spc) [0:40-2:33] & "Call at a Port" (ts-42.spc) [2:33-3:25] {I couldn't find "ressurection" and I am VERY familiar with this soundtrack [well miyoko's stuff, not Masanori} So yeah, none of the originals were sufficiently interpreted [with the exception of the meter change in "Call at a Port"], it was the type of medley you might find on an arranged soundtrack, if not for the somewhat slopping playing/mixing. I really enjoyed the oboe stuff though. n0
Liontamer Posted August 5, 2005 Posted August 5, 2005 Yeah, I wish things were more interpretive, but I felt the arrangement was decent. Not quite passable, but some very applaudable stylistic interpretation was there, especially for Call at a Port like Shan mentioned. Light Side Field is one of my favorite tracks by the way, but the rendition of that in particular was thin. The performance is alright, but sounds a bit too synthetic and thin for how it was presented. The performance needs to be tighter, that was my main concern really. Hit the ReMixing forum for tips on getting the acoustic guitar synths sounding more natural, and get more WIP forum feedback. As long as the stylistic interpretation remains on this level, it has a shot at least. Worth keeping for me. Looking forward to another stab at this one on the panel. NO (resubmit)
Harmony Posted August 16, 2005 Posted August 16, 2005 I’m with Larry that the arrangement, though conservative, is decent. For essentially a guitar piece though, I’m a bit worried about the performance. The sequencing is very natural for the most part and at times that guitar really sounds wonderful. The harmonics from 0:40-0:50, the rhythm guitar/oboe combo from 2:30-2:56 and basically all of the rhythm work after 3:00 are beautiful. Much of the solo guitar work strains believability however. In some sections, especially after 3:22, it sounds more like a thin harpsichord. You need smoother sounding notes as you approach the limit of the acoustic guitar’s register like that. The faster rhythm guitar (1:50-2:17, 3:09-3:21) is exciting and well sequenced but the lack of realism comes in the lack of string noises such as mutes, string/pick interaction sounds and chord change scratches. I know you have these things in your arsenal because they are gingerly placed about with great effect. Work on that and you might have a hard time convincing someone that this guitar isn’t the real deal. It would take a good guitar player to pull off some of the wizardry you’ve sequenced here and I mean that as a compliment. Work on interpreting the themes a more creatively and/or improve the realism of the performance and I can make an argument for the YES. For now, good stuff but please resubmit. NO (Please Resubmit)
zykO Posted August 16, 2005 Posted August 16, 2005 starts off wonderfully. absolutely gorgeous. the harmonics are a fantastic touch - the dynamics in the guitar performance is fascinating in this intro. It would take a good guitar player to pull off some of the wizardry you’ve sequenced here and I mean that as a compliment. then yea. haha that's some pretty unrealistic guitar "playing" but really, its great that you did this all on your midi keyboard... i've heard some amazing synth guitar and this is pretty decent stuff but when the pace quickens, the credibility plummets... something to look into. remember that the human element (you can even call it error) can make acoustic guitar the most beautiful thing on earth. the oboe sections are the best in the mix, by far. you're a good musician and i'm familiar with your past work and i think you've made much better work than this... i understand that you were experimenting with the acoustic guitar synth but i don't think this mix is passable NO
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