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http://www.snesmusic.org/spcsets/so.rsn - "Calm Time" (so-12.spc)

Been looking forward to this for a quite a while. KyleJCrb and I were both egging Hale-Bopp to sub this a while ago as soon as it came out in Dwelling of Duels for the March free month and snagged 5th place. I played this on VGF56 and was really impressed by it.

I still think the drumming from the drumkit was too plain and now that snare was a bit too loud compared with the rest of the music, but I liked the little touches thrown into this remastered version, including more overall volume, more prominent vocals and richer vocal harmonization.

Awesome shit with "Calm Time" given the authtentic pop arrangement treatment. It does a great job of adding speed and power to a very cool source tune, and the vocals filled in some of the "melodic gaps" of the original with even more substance and well-conceived lyrics. SnappleMan also hates this track with a passion. So many reasons to YES. Great work, David. Looking forward to more quality stuff from you.


There are things in this song that I enjoyed A LOT more than I expected myself to. I sunk my teeth into that whole "why try" rhythmic sandwich. Also the part of the instrumental section with the new chord progression starting at 2:04 especially like at 2:09 when the guitar parts sync up with the drums. Really, that part forced me to start liking the song when my intellect told me I should be doing otherwise. BUT MY INTELLECT WAS WRONG SON!!! Flawless execution of somewhat corny material with a suprising amount of depth.

Still.... this song should TOTALLY be on an episode of Smallville

SM-SJones-D_4x3_120.jpg What ever happened to token... I mean Pete Ross?



Corny is right, but this is really catchy.

The arrangement is well done, the lyrics though cheesy really convey that quality time was spent on thinking this up and performing it to more than acceptable levels.

Some parts were a bit too cliche for my taste, like the drum line.

But overall this is a nicely thought out idea and pulled off very well. Very good work in putting this together. It's not the kind of thing I'd listen to, but I can easily appreciate the amount of work and creativity put into this. Without question, YES.


this is one of the cheesiest songs i've ever heard. when i first heard this during the DoD, i really didn't like it at all. I still think the drumkit sounds thin and the vocals are too in the middle of the soundfield

the arrangement is fucking rad, though. i absolutely love this song. your voice rocks... you just need to do something diffrent with how you're recording it or your post=production. it just seems flat in there.

of course the "why try" just fucking owned me. completely.

much love


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