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*NO* Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess 'A Day in Toaru Village'

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email sub file Zelda_Twilight_Princess_A_Day_In_Toaru_Village_OC_ReMix.mp3

Hi gang,

Love the site and the music is absolutely awsome. I am a big fan of the Legend of Zelda series and I was wondering if I could submit one song. I have listened to all of the Legend of Zelda video clips and soundbites from this year's Eletronic Entertainment Expo in LA this year and I caught bits and pieces of a song from Twilight Princess. I remixed it just going by ear. I am no expert by any means at music production just a fan. I am only intrested in addint the first one called A Day In Toaru Village (Midna's Tears). You can listen to it by going to . It is in flash format so just click on the button to listen. I do have the song in .mp3 format. Like I said I am no expert but people who like the Zelda series thinks that it is ok. Not bad for a blind guy. Anyways have a listen and if not then at least give me a holler back with your decision. Thanks in advance and keep up the good work.



Don't have the original from whatever Twilight Princess trailer was involved, but it doesn't really matter. The composition was underdeveloped repetitive and didn't need to be this long, the sounds were overly quiet, all of the high frequencies were non-existent, the samples were MIDI-grade and not used to their best, especially the light brass and pizzicato strings thrown in there, and the various in-game SFX from whatever Zelda game/trailer you got them from were tacky and placed too loudly over the top of the music. Deep and moving for the undemanding. Genuinely admirable effort all things considered, but the ideas are too simplistic and the instruments/sounds aren't used well.


If you want to get in touch with another blind arranger who may be able to give you some tips, Dre, you may want to contact AURORA (aurorasword@melodymail.com) over at VGMix.


We normally don't accept mixes of this nature, because ultimately this early in the game, we don't know if this E3 music would be officially included in the game.

In this case though, I don't have any source material to compare this with anyway, but the composition here needs some work. There was a lot of needless repetition that never evolved over the period of the mix. There's a lot of simplicity going on here throughtout as well. And the production is very lacking, it does sound like stock GM soundfont sounds.

Outside the OCR standards context, I do want to say this is some pretty good stuff, especially for a blind person. Sometimes one just has to appreciate things for what it is, and I do appreciate this for what it is. I'm certain this took a lot of work and care to do and that does show. Good work in that regard. But the OCR standards are OCR standards and anything beyond that would just be background context. Keep making music though! Good luck.



I commend you on your efforts here, but the sounds are all low quality, the arrangement goes nowhere and there are two serious harmonic blunders [2:04 and 4:14]. Otherwise I absolutely adore the mood created by this piece with the combination of wildlife-sounds and warm flowing melodies. I find it has an overall calming effect on me. Unfortunately based on the standards of this site I have to say



unfortunately this doesn't go nwhere and sounds like GM

there are problems with composition and tone despite some very solid ideas on making this moving but it just doesn't accomplish them yet

you're on the right track and through the OCremix remixing forums, you will be sure to learn from a lot of experienced musicians on anything you need improvement on.

you have a good idea here but you're not achieving what i believe you set out to do. i'm gonna have to say


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