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Fake. It sounds almost exactly like the various DS game-based sountfont remixes out there. I suspect someone just made it up and claimed it to be real.

Even if it was real... so? That doesn't mean anything. Several of the games have had unused music from other games in them, but it didn't mean anything, even years later.

It could simply be leftover music that they never got rid of, as is a habit of GameFreak.


Yay, the first big floods of news from people that got their games in Japan are out.

There is just simply too much to post here. Hit up http://www.serebii.net/index2.shtml and click on the spoilers button instead.

Things I do like: lots of move tutors. Fire Punch, Thunder Punch and Ice Punch are available, as well as Iron Defense and tons of other moves. You can trade shards (like the ones you find on the beach and in caves) for them. Are they re-usable, or one-time? No info yet.

And the rumors were right, Iris is the new champion, and Achroma (the guy with the weird blue hair thing) is a Plasma boss.

Not to mention the number of older legendaries and pokémon available not only after the main quest, but also from the beginning.

Another cool thing is a new difficulty level. After the normal game is complete, you can choose Asist which is supposed to lower the difficulty, and Challenge, which makes the game harder. So far, no more info about this.

Black and White 2 might be the most feature-rich version to date. It really makes Black and White feel hollow and short in comparison.

Fake. It sounds almost exactly like the various DS game-based sountfont remixes out there. I suspect someone just made it up and claimed it to be real.

Even if it was real... so? That doesn't mean anything. Several of the games have had unused music from other games in them, but it didn't mean anything, even years later.

It could simply be leftover music that they never got rid of, as is a habit of GameFreak.

You realize I wasn't claiming it to be indicative of R/S remakes, right?

The guy who posted it said he took the audio from one of the 2ch streams and looped it, and considering BW1 had the Kanto Champion Battle theme used for the World Championship Series, I figured this was probably used somewhere too.

and yeah those things are great. can't wait for medals myself. :3


The English language versions have more room for naming pokémon. Six characters in Japanese, 10 in English.

Also, that whole being in another language thing... if you don't know Japanese, you might have a hard time figuring things out, even with walkthroughs.

As I'm reading about more and more of the features, story and everything else in Black and White 2, I honestly think that Black and White 1 was more of a place-holder game or something. I really think they could have put all this stuff in BW1, but the extra year and bit was somehow deemed too long a wait. Seriously, look at the list of stuff going on in BW2. You can get tons of pokémon with their hidden abilities in-game, without having to use that fucking Dream World bullshit. Lots of areas to explore. More post-game stuff. Better side-quests. No more Musical; instead we get a far more fun looking TV Show game. Custom themes for Gyms. More diverse selection of pokémon in more areas. Just everything about BW2 seems better.

I honestly think that my BW2 cart will become my main game, and my Black 1 cart will end up being having everything dumped from it and used as some sort of backup file or something. Black and White 2 is just the superior version in every way.

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