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oh man do i want to see this piece on OCR. The composition is great. There's some really dramatic harmonic tension, and the atmosphere is well put-together. unfortunately right now it's just too short, too underdeveloped. it sounds like a demo. please make this twice as long and resubmit.



http://www.zophar.net/nsf/metroid.zip - Track 1

Cool stuff, notwithstanding Vig's hard-on for all things decent that are Metroid. :mrgreen: Track lacks some serious polish on the production. Just seems like a lot or ALL of the higher frequencies got cut, making everything sound dull.

In any case, the arrangement was actually pretty damn interesting. Nothing interpretive with the melody, but there were a lot of bells and whistles thrown in here to lightly ornament the track, which is good.

Some weird harmonics in here like at 1:26 with those supporting strings that are gonna get Shnabubula wondering what you're doing. Watch those clashing notes. Whatever instrument came in at 1:40 lent a nasty, low buzzing texture to the track that needs to be fixed.

Cool shit, but DEVELOP THE THEME MORE, and indeed make this longer. Not making the track longer seems to be a key reason why this sounds so underdeveloped. If you actually played around with the melodic content substantially, you could get away with a 2:20-long mix. Needs a lot of work, but if you're game...

Try to name your material something more creative in the future as well.



i'm with my colleagues on this one.

fantastic intro, very moody and i love how it brings in subtleties of the title theme as it progresses... there's a lot of things going on here but the arrangement, though brilliant for whatever 2 minutes its warming up, needs more attention and development.

i'm not concerned about the clashing harmonies... i think it gives the piece character. i'm just distressed over how under-developed this is. it appears to be a piece of a puzzle that leads into the MEAT. i want the MEAT.

right when the thing picks up at the end, i am expecting at least another minute of pwoerful dissonance with maybe some kind of drive... but instead i get drums, a drone, some factory inside my head and FINIT.

perhaps this is your artistic preference and choice but sir. don't fucking tease me like this.

i'm sorry, this is far too underdeveloped mr. junkimonkey. give us more and this is a YES



So the obvious reason to NO this is that it's way too short. Fine... that's all well and good, but i'd like to address this issue of "harmonic tension". It's a tough call but certain things make me feel that this "tension" was more like sloppiness.

Most of the tension comes from every time one part [and by part I mean groups of instruments moving in unison] spells out Bb major another outlines D major. When this happens the first time in the piano and strings there is a D in the bass so it sounds like a mistake, but the second time there is a Bb in the bass so it sounds like a Bb Augmented Major 7th... but there's an F in the strings... and it's not a PRONOUNCED F, it's a quiet F that sounds like it's trying to hide.

That F is the most controversial note in the chord and if it was intentional I would assume it would be at the fore-front. Also, the piano NEVER plays a Bb in this section... if it did I could be 100% certain that the harmony was intentional because one instrument would outline it in it's entirety, however each time this part returns, some instrumental groups go to D major while other go to Bb major with NO OVERLAPPING and the F always sounds like it's trying to hide. [it would be more convincing if one group played Bb, F#, A and another an octave above played D, F, C#.... the C sharp would add tension in the same veign as adding the F did but it would also lend added coherence by turning the harmony into a stack of major 7ths {Bb and A, F# and F, D and C#} and creating some harmonic overlap]

If there were no problem with the length and developement, I'd give you the benefit of the doubt with this stuff, but since my name was mentioned I figured I should weigh in about the so called "harmonic tension". I'd actually like to hear your reasoning behind the notes you chose. Anyway, as everyone else already stated, the song at the moment is incomplete.

n0 (Resubmit)

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