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The basics of a good 5 man group:

Tank (that would be a warrior, or a very good feral druid)

Healing (Druid, Priest, or 2 shammies or 2 pallies)

DPS (Hunter, mages, warlocks, shadow priests, and rogues)

Crowd control (Hunter, mages, rogues and in specific instances priests and warlocks.)

In that order too. Any instance is doable with the right amount of tanks and healers. DPS and CC just make it easier.

However, hunters that depend on their pets are at a disadvantage simply because the pet is not under a perfect level of control and can mess stuff up (Hatchery in UBRS comes to mind, or the pillar jump room in BFD). Many people have learned to fear hunters and warlocks' pets because of these cases.

Anyway, I decided I would mainly play my now 36 holy priest instead of my rogue. I think seeing another side of the game would be fun, plus it makes it a hell of a lot easier to get a group. I'm also hitting the fun levels: SM, Uldaman, Razorfen Down and Kraul... all the instances I actually never did seriously with my rogue. I main healed a Gnomer group yesterday, and after everyone but me and the warrior had died, I kept him alive a good minute before running out of mana. Apparently he thought fighting athree dark iron dwarves was not enough and he pulled a pat.

Either way, I'm learning a lot about the other side of running instances.


i'm finding it more and more difficult to find groups as a feral druid.

i finally found an UBRS group last night. they had 1 priest and 2 tanks. when i asked if they were gonna get another priest they were like "you can heal, can't you?" and i was like "yes, just not as well as a priest" and they were like "oh ok." You have been removed from the group.


maybe i should just lie and tell people i'm resto spec and when they ask for innervate just tell them the cooldown isn't up yet. :(


Many rogues I've come across drop out of the raid after Rend. I can understand not wanting to do the whole thing when you only want one boss that's pretty close to the beginning but at least tell people in advance...

New topic...post some pictures of your character! Unless it's been done...(not reading 200 pages worth o' shit).


(Hatchery in UBRS comes to mind, or the pillar jump room in BFD). Many people have learned to fear hunters and warlocks' pets because of these cases.

They might have changed the egg room in ubrs, my pet has never set off any of the eggs in there and he runs around pretty freely. Although I've been in groups where before the rend fight a hunter won't dismiss his pet before jumping off the balcony.

I've run an ubrs with only 2 shaman healing o_o.

We cleared everything but drak. (Drak was also kindof hard cause we didn't have a hunter to do the pull, or a rogue with preperation)

Here's me haveing fun with the dressing room.


I'll post a real picture later of healing and what I quest/pvp in (slightly less healing)

I totaly wish I could mouse over your equipment and see what it is zircon :o


However, hunters that depend on their pets are at a disadvantage simply because the pet is not under a perfect level of control and can mess stuff up (Hatchery in UBRS comes to mind, or the pillar jump room in BFD). Many people have learned to fear hunters and warlocks' pets because of these cases.

Well, any GOOD hunter knows how to control their pet properly. The problem is that because hunter's are such an incredible soloing class a lot of people simply do not learn the class. The number of hunters I see with their pet put away in instances just makes me cry.


Hunters and rogues suffer from the same problem. When they solo, they are incredible. They are resourceful, they can get out of most situations, and they survive a lot.

Put them in a team an they lose some use. Yes the rogue can still stealth his way across the mobs, but no one can follow him. And in the end game, save for some specific fights, hunters and rogues have only one role: DPS. And while pure DPS is fun once in a while, it does not make the rogue/hunter for a team player. He doesn't need healing as much as the tank, and quite frankly, he does not have the relation a warrior may have with the rest of the raid.

I know that as a rogue, the plan was simple: Hit my target until it dies, bandage up, then hit another target.

Can't wait to hit the 50s with my priest, I really wanna go through an instance without ever targetting a mob.


I find that hunters are extremely useful in some instances. Their pets can tank mobs for a pretty good amount of time, traps can freeze mobs that other CC don't even work against and the damage isn't that shabby either.


For the new Argent Dawn rewards: You need 45 of two types of insignias and each insignia requires you find/buy 30 of a certain item. So to get the epics with Revered, you need 2700 of these items?

Sounds like a lot of work...certainly worth getting Exalted to lower that a bit.


I'm actualy REALLY surprised that the patch was today, and unfourtunately it's been really hard getting ahold of the patch this time around. :( I finaly got it though, can't wait to get zg stuff for my gimpy hunter!

Anyway, here's a picture of my healbotting self. Yeah I look like every other end game druid! Woohoo. I really wish there was more variety in healing gear and the like. Seems the only unique looking druids are the balance and feral ones though, since they don't get a set at all.


I have the least stormrage of any of the druids, (only the head). Not that I want it all, I think I only really want 3 peices...so I can keep the 5 peice set bonus from cenarion.


I'm going to try and guess your gear.

Stormrage Helm

Frostwolf Advisor's Pendant

Hide of the Wild

7/8 Cenarion

Blood of the Martyr

Maiden's Circle

Zandalarian Hero Charm

Royal Seal of Eldre'Thals (sp)

Cold Forged Hammer

That AV healing offhand

Idol of Rage


Ugh, what the FUCK is that annoying sound when you engage in PVP combat now. It's so annoying. GET RID OF IT BLIZZARD!

On the upside...a ton more damage and stamina from my rank 12 gear...time to get 14. Thank you Blizzard.


I'm going to try and guess your gear.

Stormrage Helm

Frostwolf Advisor's Pendant

Hide of the Wild

7/8 Cenarion

Blood of the Martyr

Maiden's Circle

Zandalarian Hero Charm

Royal Seal of Eldre'Thals (sp)

Cold Forged Hammer

That AV healing offhand

Idol of Rage

Mostly right, but I'm not useing the cold forged hammer, I'm useing simone cultivation hammer, pretty nice for a blue actualy. +11 Int, and +36 healing if I remember correctly.

That's amazeing how can you guess all of that. o_o

See if you can guess my world pvp gear now! I think it'll be harder to be accurate because so many of the icons are pretty common to so much different gear.

(I turn off the helm graphic outof habbit in non healing gear, cause my bear and cat gear uses shadowcraft hood...and rogues like to wig out at me when they see that).


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