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Just finished watching episode 8! Liking that were getting to see some more action again. I kinda expected to see Tex pop out of the pod at the end, but Maine is badass too. I'm just curious to see what his armor ability is now that he has Sigma.

And btw, am I the only one who predicts that Sigma is soon going to be running the show in the Sigma-Maine relationship??? Perhaps this is how the whole "Meta" comes into play? It will definetly be interesting......:-D


So, the fragments of "Deciet" and "Creativity" ( Γ and Σ ) are working together to stir things up amongst the agents, who whoud've thought lol. I think where begginning to see the start of the Meta. I'm strapped in for this one! :grin:


Episode 19



Here's an interesting post from the roosterteeth forum.

Unidentified Blue Soldier may be the caboose... They both can't throw. They both seem to be pretty lucky with explosive rounds. Also they both have the same assult rifle. Caboose is the only member of the blue team that uses it. And as seen in this episode the assult rifle used by the blue freelancer is different then south's as seen as the the escape pod launches out of the sea but is the same as caboose's. Caboose may even be a AI, he is incredably strong, doesnt really speak of pain, always wants to be around church, seems to be ok with the other AI's, and seems to be the only one who knows how to install and uninstall Church into any eqiupment. And he may be the trait of stupidity or some other lesser trait which may explain why the Meta was not interested in him. A choice between logic and stupidity is not a hard choice!

Episode 19



Here's an interesting post from the roosterteeth forum.

Unidentified Blue Soldier may be the caboose... They both can't throw. They both seem to be pretty lucky with explosive rounds. Also they both have the same assult rifle. Caboose is the only member of the blue team that uses it. And as seen in this episode the assult rifle used by the blue freelancer is different then south's as seen as the the escape pod launches out of the sea but is the same as caboose's. Caboose may even be a AI, he is incredably strong, doesnt really speak of pain, always wants to be around church, seems to be ok with the other AI's, and seems to be the only one who knows how to install and uninstall Church into any eqiupment. And he may be the trait of stupidity or some other lesser trait which may explain why the Meta was not interested in him. A choice between logic and stupidity is not a hard choice!

Holy crap, Caboose being an AI would make a lot of sense. It would also explain why there's that whole little world inside his head when Church and Tex jump into him. I don't think we've seen anything like that for anyone else. Actually, come to think of it, it's pretty reminiscent of the AI world εChurch was hanging out in when he was searching for Tex, what with the inaccurate characterizations of the Red team and everything. I'm not sure Stupidity really wouldn't be much of a trait to extract though. Probably something more akin to innocence? Caboose kind of has a limited understanding of the world similar to that of a child's. Still probably not something the Meta would be too interested in, nor would I expect Project Freelancer would have much use for it (hence shipping it out to Blood Gulch).

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