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*NO* Final Fantasy 4 'The Road to Dam Cyan'

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email sub file The Road to Dam Cyan.mp3

Hip DJ name: DJ Possom

E-mail: Powerpossom23@hotmail.com

Game remixed: Final Fantasy IV

Song: Castle Damycan

Comments: I made this completely on the Demo of FL studio 5 (after hearing about it's exsistence on this site) and had a little help from a piano arrangment I learned to play. It includes a ska-like backbeat (with

steeldrums) and a badly synthesized choir. The snare drum in the original song has ben replaced with a garbage can hit.

That's about it.


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http://snesmusic.org/spcsets/ff4.rsn - "Castle Damcyan" (ff4-16.spc)

I've honestly just got no love for the MIDI/beginner-ish subs today. Very sparse sounds despite the way some of them were used. The steel drum sample was awful, and the kick-based beats were no good. The faux-vox style synth had very unrealistic note movements.

The track was very sluggish and lacking energy. The melody coming in at :58 did little to help. At least a new saw came in at 1:53. Ugh, what's going on with the melody at 2:07? More instrumentation added at 2:40; while it wasn't beneficial in a huge way, it would have at least helped to have that kind of stuff in there earlier to fill out the track and not leave it so empty most of the way.

Meh. Go here, please. Here too, please.



Yeah.. this is clearly a beginner submission. Sound quality issues (by your own admission), very bland sounds, poor execution (instrument combinations were weird), straightforward arrangement with little energy, lack of a real unique interpretive element. But don't be discouraged. As Larry said, go to the Remixing forum and the Works in Progress forum to get help. Keep practicing and working at it. We all start somewhere.



Well first of all, consider buying the full version of FruityLoops. The demo isn't going to take you far and in part that shows here. This does sound beginnerish. I hate to use that label, but it's a label that fits in this case. I think it's a good attempt considering your circumstances. The arrangement has some interesting ideas but on the whole just comes off as lackluster and underdeveloped. The sequencing is very rigid and mechanical. This is best exemplified by the gamelan/steel drum. The timing is too perfect, there are no velocity changes. It just all sounds the same with no variation. Supplementing beats are extremely basic also. Production as a whole is lacking or nonexistent. This sounds like a basic sequence with basic GM samples put in its stead. Nothing interesting in mixing or mastering or the production values. It's not a bad mix, and it's a good effort for one of your first submissions. Keep working at it or consider using and learning free music tools. There's a thread about mixing for free in our remixing forum. But this is a long, way off from making our bar in every category. Unfortunately, NO.


The other judges pretty much summed it up here. It's a basic and very dry sounding mix. The bland sounds fit together all right, though they're put together in a very sparse and simple arrangement.

Repetative is the word that comes to mind for most of this. You need to work on making the samples you're using sound more mixed up. Add some effects, change the sounds around a bit. Get rid of the basic drums and work on the drum programming. Work on some more complex arrangements, and you're well on your way to making some enjoyable mixes. This wasn't BAD so to speak, it's just a long way from being OCR-quality.

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