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ReMixer name: Die

Real name: Diego Vizia

Email address:

Website: N/A

User ID: 49183

Name of game arranged: Captain Silver

Name of arrangement: Captain Gold

Name of individual songs arranged: Stage 1 music

Additional information: It's an arcade game by Data East from 1987, the composer is Tokuma Shoten.

You can find the original song in the first 40 seconds of this video -->

. I don't know of any other place where you can find it.

Comments about the mix: A friend of mine played this game a couple of years ago. When he showed me the game, I liked this music and after a while, I thought it would be nice to remix it in a rock/metal style. My brother gave me the final idea for the drums and I decided to do it. I used SONAR as the sequencing software, as I always do, with several VST's to achieve a good sound. Part of it was played live with a MIDI controller, but most of it was done by manually scoring each track.

This is my first submission to OCRemix, so I probably made some things wrong. If there's anything to correct or some additional information you need, please let me know. I don't have a personal Webpage, so I'm sending the MP3 file as an attachment. Hope it's not much of a problem.

Thanks in advance.



  • 2 months later...

Very cool obscure source! The mixing is a little unbalanced at the beginning, with the strings not being prominent enough to support the harpsichord. The reverb levels are a bit much as well throughout, making things sound muddy and indistinct.

The guitar is decently sequenced by is still a bit fake sounding. I think adding some rhythm guitar playing underneath the lead would help gel that section together.

The arrangement itself is very nice, though definitely on the short side. I'd love to hear some additional expansion. I think this is a very good start, but additional material should be added, and the production needs refinement. Keep at it! :-)

No, please resubmit


Andrew's got this pretty much spot on. Really love the obscure source, and I think the arrangement ideas you have are excellent so far, and I would totally dig if you could add even like a minute to the arrangement.

The production has some quirks. Andrew brought up the reverb, and I will definitely echo him on that. I also felt like the soundscape was a bit static after a while, and would have liked some bigger sonic changes. The end sections are also a bit muddy due to volumes, although that might still be the reverb playing with my ears.

Really a lot of fun, I hope you fix this up for us!

NO (resubmit, please)


Awesome source, and a nice simple take on the theme which stays true to the original while expanding it slightly. I can dig.

Arrangement, while short, is pretty cool, with some nice variations on the theme. I'd argue its a tad too short for OCR standards but we've had mixes passed as short as this. That said, I strongly recommended expanding this.

Texturally, this is slightly plain, you've got a lead playing over drums, bass, and a pad for the first half. Basically there isn't too much to this track considering its length, you could easily give what's here a bit more depth.

Production is a bit of a mixed bag. I will also echo the reverb crits, since this sounds a tad too washed out. Reverb is good, but its powerful, be careful not to overdo it. The panning was also slightly unbalanced, with the strings being panned a little too much to the left, which makes this feel lopsided. The guitar, as mentioned, noticeably fake, you'll need either a much better sample or a real guitarist to help you pull that off.

Overall, this is a good base. That said, you'll need to expand the arrangement and fix the production quirks before this can hit the front page. I think you have a way to go, but with some hard work, you'll get there!


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