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*NO* Final Fantasy 3 'Road from Ultra to Superior'

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the first minute or so is quite dull. there isnt enough going on. the vibes are busy but it's just too thin. this problem persists. there are a few busier sections, but there is a lot of space where there's very little going on harmonically and very little going on in the bottom end.

fill it out please.



http://www.zophar.net/nsf/ff3.zip - Tracks 5 (:00-:43, 3:50-4:08), 42 (:52-1:22), ? (1:24), ? (2:15), ? (2:46), ? (3:13), ? (3:34)

Don't recognize the source tunes here, so some clarification would be a huge help. Could be extreme medleyitis for all I know, so unfortunately I can't comment too much on those grounds. I was just taking a stab at when certain points in the track might be the start of a new source tune.

The intro here was rather abrupt/jarring. Harp-like instrument is cool, but too mechanical sounding. Arrangement already took some good turns with the woodwind stuff at :25. I really liked the xylos being brought in at :44, handling "The Dark Crystals" (melody starts at :52), though the texture and perfect timing sounded too much like the plucked string instrument.

Cool tempo shift and changing of the time signature at :59. Too bad it's verbatim with the NSF. Tambourine at 1:05 is way too loud and trebly. Sudden transition at 1:23 leads into some mechanical-sounding piano work. The atmosphere sounds all lo-fi now for some reason; feels like the encoding quality dropped mid-track, especially by 1:59 when the piano came back. Where's the high-end for those parts? Drum swell at 4:15 got very trebly and distorted for a very bad finish. The EQing is bothersome, as this track was all about either low-end or (extreme) high end, with not much going on in the middle frequencies.

Can't muster any specific comments on the rest of the track, as nothing particularly stuck out. Broadly speaking, the way the samples were used was a big hit. Personally, I like a lot of the ideas here in the track, and I have a grasp on the style you're going for, but the samples you're using could be used better to sound more realistic. The track is very sparse in a bad way; with a more human-sounding performance, the relatively sparse sound of a small orchestra would work.


  • 4 weeks later...

Wow too much reverb with not enough texture. This whole mix sounds hollow and sparse. Sequencing comes across as mechanical throughout, especially the super fake piano secion.

You really need to work on the humanization in this piece. The arrangement ideas aren't bad, but you need to fill out the texture a lot more.

The percussion seems like it's clipping too.



Too sparse, too thin, instrumentally and compositionally. Too much reverb on everything. The reverb sounds a bit cheap too, it's deforming some of the samples at the back - like the cymbal and timpani. I liked the ideas presented here, and the percusive additions are unique and interesting, however, this doesn't have much substance on top of the presentation and production issues. This needs more supporting material in the composition and instrumental department. Also there's some wierd distortion going on with the percussion samples like the rolls.


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