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*NO* Mega Man 2 'Medley'


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Source Breakdown

:00 - "Dr. Wily Stage 1"

:25 - "Stage Start"

:50 - "Stage Select"

1:08 - "Air Man" (with "Stage Select" backing for the first few seconds)

2:55 - "Bubble Man"

4:13 - "Crash Man"

7:28 - "Dr. Wily Stage 1"

The arrangement was relatively conservative, but expansive, and the performance was strong overall. However, there were too many abrupt changes from one source tune to the next (:43, 2:55, 4:12, 7:28), and not enough where everything flowed together seamlessly like 1 cohesive song (:25, 1:08, 5:43). It's suffering from medley-itis, so while it's an enjoyable track, it doesn't sound like one cohesive piece, it sounds like too many source tunes loosely connected together, which is a shame given that separately they were all decently developed. If you could figure out better transitions from theme to theme, I'd say this was an easy pass, but that's the one big drawback as far as our standards.

NO (resubmit)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Alright here's the thing. The biggest (and basically only) issue for me with this submission is that it's a 10 and a half minute medley of songs from MM2. Your arrangements are conservative but expansive enough, and the performance and production is killer, but overall, the piece isn't cohesive.

My suggestion to you would be to split this up into a couple of mixes. Your Air Man, Bubble Man, Crash Man, and Wily sections could all stand by themselves as individual pieces and I feel like this would work out better in the long run. Right now the only thing the medley says to me is "HEY REMEMBER THAT GAME MEGAMAN 2? HERE ARE SOME SONGS FROM IT!" The novelty of hearing a bunch of songs from a video game has long worn off for me, IMO; I'd rather hear some strong, cohesive individual pieces.

NO, resub as many mixes

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Piano felt a bit thin at the forefront, but the guitar/kit/bass that hit immediately surprised in a good way. Some of the piano was a bit mechancial on the sequencing but not a huge deal. Great performances here and drums sequencing was spot on. Nice overall sound here with the track as well.

Unfortunately, I gotta agree that this lacks cohesion as a single song, which is what we're looking for. I could either see it broken up or just transitioned more effectively between sources and passing.

Really hoping we see this one come back soon.

No, resubmit though!

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