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*NO* Donkey Kong Country 'Dark Acclaim & Vibrant Flames'

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Your ReMixer name: Kammo64

Your real name: Cameron Steele

Your email address:

Name of game(s) arranged: Donkey Kong Country (SNES)

Name of arrangement Dark Acclaim & Vibrant Flames

Name of individual song(s) arranged Fear Factory

P.S. I would love any feedback possible



Hate to just cut this down, but this was extremely weak material. I'm way too familiar with this theme, having grown up on DKC1. The first 1:11 sounded like a flat out MIDI rip. Everything throughout this piece was rigidly sequenced, and all of the textures left too much empty space.

At least 1:49-2:05 had some brief touches of expansive writing, but it was minor stuff. Most of the changes compared to the original were lazy instrument swaps. Went back to the MIDI rip-sounding cover at 2:08, just repeating the first section wholesale. Just very beginner-ish ideas with no polish.

The fanfare at 3:13 honestly felt like a trolling finish. :lol:

You're gonna need to get a lot more interpretive with your arrangements, and MUCH more capable at producing sophisticated sounds before you submit something again.

If you're not doing this already, you need to use the resources of the Workshop forum and feedback of the Works forum to learn more of the basics both of creating music and what we're looking for with regards to the submission standards.


  • 2 weeks later...

Larry's vote was pretty blunt, but he's absolutely right. There's very little in the way of expansion going on here, it sounds very much like a MIDI rip (and I should know, I tried to make a failed MIDI-rip electro house mix of this same source a few weeks ago and it ended up sounding almost exactly like this, even down to some of the samples we used :-P )

Work on chopping up the melodies and loops in the sources instead of just recreating entire sections verbatim, and adding in your own unique sounds and melodies on top of that. Not much more to add, keep at it!



Really not much more to add to what Larry has said. Take Emu's advice to heart, and use some of the most recently posted mixes as examples of what you can do. Compare them closely with their original sources to see just how the mixer was able to add his own personalization to the mix as well as how he altered the source to fit within our standards. Good luck and keep at it!


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