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Just listened to the latest version, and I have to say I like where the second half of the song is going (0:53 - The End). It feels like the instruments are given a little more space to shine in the latter half of the song, though mixing/EQ could still improve.

1:20-onward features some nice counter-melodies and slight notes changes to the main theme, which I'm digging. Be careful of note disagreements though-- the main melody (and indeed the source) hits an Edom7 on the third chord of the phrase, while the counter melody frequently resides in an Emin7. The difference between these two chords is the G; the minor 7th gives you a G natural, and dom 7th a G#. So we have several clashes between the counter-melody hitting G natural and other instruments hitting G#, creating a minor second interval which sounds out-of-place.

Either chord progression works just fine on its own, but played simultaneously, not so much. It's an easy trap to fall into if you turn off all of your other tracks and just sketch out a line while playing bass notes in your left hand... because either chord/scale fits and you can forget which one you locked yourself into with the other tracks.

Nice progress on this.


Getting to work right now on fixing the things brought up. Like always, your feedback is helpful and appreciated!

I do have a Q I'd like crypto_magnum to A: what specifically about the mixing/EQ needs to be fixed? (I really am not someone who's tuned into hearing that sort of stuff.)


Another update has come.

So, I changed the synth line that starts at around 0:13 so it's an octave higher and lines up more with the bassline. I also tried to better balance the overall EQ by reducing the mid frequencies. The main oboe melody from 1:33 onwards and the counter melody behind it from 1:20 on has the G natural raised to a G sharp to fit the instruments around it.


Getting better. You've got a ton of disharmony in there now though. Especially in that tinny synth. What's up with that? The bass drum is too much at 1:04. I'd recommend using a less strong sample for that particular section, when it is paired with sparse instrumentation. The intro is very plain and there is much of a build up to 0:26. That bass drum can't stand on its own, the clap is way too quiet. It's ok to have volume on your clap, you just don't want to go overboard, or start spamming claps, hehe. The part at 1:17 is cool but the pad is too low and mono sounding in the mix. This could benefit from some beefing up of the instruments, expansion of the drums, more creativity in the intro writing / buildups, and figure out what's up with that disharmony in there! Keep up the good work, sir! :-)


Why, thank you for the detailed and specific feedback, Brandon! This shall go on my checklist for next update. I do have one question: what do you mean by "the tinny synth"? I'm guessing you mean the one that backs the flute in the 'soft section', but I'm not entirely sure.


The one playing the high notes on its own at 0:19. :-)

If there's one thing I learned about music after all this time, it's that all parts should be as good as the chorus, not just the chorus. I don't know if that'll help at all but it's the way I think when I work on musics. :-D

I'm not saying to just loop a chorus. I'm saying to make all the other parts super refined and enjoyable, too.


Yeah, I'm not super-afraid to totally redo or replace stuff, if it could mean a better final outcome. In fact, I'm planning to replace the stuff up to 0:53 with something different, something with more of a real soft-to-loud buildup. I'm also looking to continue replacing a lot of instruments. The drums are being replaced again (not by Battery until I can get around my .exe's issue), as are the strings. Most of the synth sounds are leaving, too, so they can be replaced by Superwave P8 (a JP8000 emulation), as I've heard a lot of good things about it's being useful for trance.


I think you're making some good progress. Especially the drums sounding much better now.

Like Brandon said there is a lot of disharmony in the song.

There are two very strange chords at 01:04 and 01:05 for example.

Starting at 00:53, that Piano(?) sounds distorted. Intentionally?

Nice work, Keep it up.


An other update is here.

So, I honestly have no idea how to replace the beginning to 0:53 yet. That'll have to wait for some time.

But in the meantime, I did try to overhaul the production some more and try to make the high lead in the first half less dissonant. Tried to further improve sounds as always, esp the drums.

I'll also be honest and say that I still don't really know what I'm doing and if not for all the feedback I doubt I'd even be at this point in the WIP process, so loads of thanks to you people!

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You have some good ideas here, but I'm not exactly sure what's going on in the song. Maybe you can improve on the sense of direction in the song. Try to make it so each part of the song leads up to the next. Right now it's cluttered with cool effects, but they're placed awkwardly and it doesn't seem to fit well.

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