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Hi guys!

My association (FFL Production) and I are participating to a short movie contest. The theme was "December 21, 2012 - The shortest day" and the movie's lenght had to be less than 2 minutes.

So, my team and I realized a short movie called "La Proposition" (The Proposal, in English). It can be watched here, search for "La Proposition" (see pic up to know which film is ours) and please vote for us (you may need to register though - it's free and quick). Feel free to ask any question.

How to register and vote?

Click on "Inscription" (Register) in the orange bar over the films. Fill the registration thing (username, password, password again, e-mail address; more information = man or woman, and age) Then click on "envoyer" (send) to get a confirmation e-mail in which you need to click on another link to confirm everything. Now that you are registered, click on my film and vote with the numbers below. :)

Making movies/series is truly our greatest passion and this is without doubt the biggest contest we entered ever. This is our chance to finally show to people our love for films and video, as the first prices are a broadcast on a national French/German TV channel!

If you can spend two minutes to register and vote, it'll be a great support. I thank you all in advance. :)

Everybody loves Chernabogue!

This gets my Seal of approval!


Might need to explain a little better how to register and vote, eh? :<


Yeah, I added more information about registration and vote. Forgot to add it because of excitement. :lol:

I just voted (your score is now 79!) with some help from Mr. Google Translator, but yea, some instructions could facilitate things XD

Good luck!

Thanks a ton, Gui! It really helps! :)

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