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Ideas on remixing shorter songs?


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I'm still amazed that that song is still up. I guess djp has a nostalgic sense of humor. :lmassoff:

Ha, yea, it is amazing.

I am still saddened however about Daknit, Bard of Tarot, leaving the building.

There was some magic to his crappy music maker productions. The Sims Acid mix and the Diablo Recitative Techno of his shall always be faves of mine.

They were remixes of in-game poetry though, not of in-game music.


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Or,(as much as this is frowned upon for the most part) You could do a MINOR sample/manipulate said sample and build on it, adding the extras such as chords, arps, drums - etc etc even if it's only to get the juices flowing.

An example of that can be found here -

Yes, there's no intricate melody or complex transitions or what have you...but it's a remix made from a source that's about 2 seconds long : ) - Try a different approach and have fun with it I say.
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