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*NO* Mega Man Zero 3 'Intangible as the Snow'

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Alright. Second submission. *rubs palms together*

I've upgraded my samples as you might notice, and this time I actually listened to some feedback. It seems to me this is about as good as it's going to get with my level of ability at the time of this writing, and I hope you enjoy it. The main section of the theme and my remix are very close, but there are many minor and major variations throughout the song.

I originally did this for PRC54.


Remix title: Intangible as the Snow

Remixer Name: Ichitootah

Remixer's actual name: Collin Meredith

Remixer's Website: Ichitootah.com (No longer defunct!)

Remixer's Email: ichitootah@gmail.com

Game remixed: Mega Man X3

Song Remixed: Trail on Powdery Snow

I hope to see an, if not necessarily favorable, enlightening outcome.

And leave the link in please. I love it when people leave the link in as I find it makes reading the decisions much more educational, and I'm always happy to help people learn when I can.

Thanks. :)


Edit - Gray: He sent me this pm below:

I've seen people message you with stuff like this, so I thought you'd probably be the best one to contact. A while back I submitted a song that's source tune I thought was from Mega Man X3, entitled Intangible as the Snow (It's in the to be judged queu at the moment). Well, it turns out that the game's actually Mega Man Zero 3, not X. I've never played a Mega Man game in my life, so all these similar-but-different titles kind of confuse me. Sorry for any hassle this may have caused, hope I clarified before any sort of major calamity happened. Thanks.

  • 2 weeks later...

I reviewed an earlier version on the Works:OCR forum, so I'll use those comments and followup with changes I heard.

Liontamer]Cool intro. Some weird/loud noise is panned left starting at :17, might be a little too loud. Organ at :43 is decent, but could sound a bit thicker, though I'm not sure that's possible without cluttering up the soundfield. Synth lead at 1:07 is pretty weak, IMO and doesn't work with the very simple percussion pattern used for that section. Not sure how well it'll be received, as I personally thought it was grating.

The simple percussion works at 1:30 on account of the instrument choice being light; when the instrumentation is thicker/heavier and more of an anchor for the piece, it's boring. Perc at 1:55 is also too simple/plodding, so when the synth lead comes back at 2:15 with the same type of pattern, it doesn't feel like the track has much dynamic contrast there.

Arrangement seems to be decent (though pretty conservative for the material), but the track is lacking something with the synth focused sections as well as the percussion patterns. I'm sure some other crits would be pointed out on the panel. Needs some more work to improve it, Colin, but could be a contender with some more ideas.

http://www.zophar.net/gsf/mmzero3_gsf.rar - 26 "Trail on Powdery Snow"

So since then, Colin has changed the synth lead a bit and worked on infusing some life into some of the boring percussion patterns, but I think the improvements were limited.

The synth lead is still pretty grating and doesn't really fit the decidedly delicate atmosphere created by the rest of the instrumentation. A synth that doesn't sound like a saw could be better suited; just something with more subtlety.

The louder snare shots during the melody need a more active sounding pattern, not the more plain-jane "THUMP *pause* THUMP" approach. Like I said, that pattern works better when the percussion instrumentation is light, not heavy.

If you keep the percs patterns basically the same from section to section, it's also boring. For example, the patterns in the chorus from 2:15-2:38 are the same as from 2:38-3:00 during the piano-based section. Change up what you're doing there during the chorus to provide contrast.

Aside from the synth sections, I still liked the conservative but still interpretive approach here, and I thought the other instrumentation was pulled off fairly well. The organ, piano, pads and lighter percussion were all working pretty well here, IMO, and I like the way you seem to be improving with each submission, Collin.

I don't feel like you should obsess about tweaking this piece in order to somehow pass it. I think you should keep in on the shelf for a while and revisit it later while starting fresh so you don't get sick of it, but that's just my opinion. I think the other Js may have some good advice in terms of making this a more engaging listen. Keep at it, bro; on the whole, you're on the right track.

NO (rework/resubmit)

  • 3 weeks later...

More people need to remix MMZ series music.

Anyway, the interpretation is pretty cool, but that synth lead sucks so much. Something smoother with some portamento would do the trick a lot better.

Rim sound around 1:33 sounds really weak; you need a rim sound with some more body. The other percussion is alright, but the snare pattern throughout the piece could use some more variation; try throwing a stronger, more resonant hit on 2 and 4 and decorating the rest of the measure with some syncopated rhythm using that softer snare you have.

In any case I really like the chill interpretation of Trail, and I'd love to see a resub. More MMZ love plz.

NO resub

  • 2 weeks later...

I really liked the groove pattern especially in the beginning when the pads were going on and it was exposed. It sounded like a nice chill film score. But after that part it really got disjointed for me. Here you have a nice delicate atmosphere with the pads, groove and piano, then the harsh organ, synth and loud snare enters the picture. It just doesn't really mesh at all in my view.

There isn't much evolution in the actual piece either, it's almost like it's segregated into a few sections that repeat with little evolution, at least during the first half. Around the 2:50 mark, gotta comment on my enjoyment of the piano section.

I hear a lot of film score sensibilities with the mood, piano, pads and the groove. But again half of the mix with the organ, ugly/grating synth lead and loud snare really took away from the mix in my opinion. I would personally scrap half of the mix and completely rework on that concept to fit the stronger/better sections of the mix with more fluidity.

Keep at it. Definitely an improvement over your previous submissions. Hope to hear more from you in the future.


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