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Email sub file Metroid Techno Mission.mp3

Name of the song: Metroid Techno Mission

My screename: ManhuntGms@aim.com

My Username: DrClay

Remix from: Metroid zero mission and the Original Metroid (the one on NES)

(their both the same song though)

Song: Kriad's Hidout stage (thats the title in both games)

Description of the song: I love the Kriad's Hidout song. So i made a remix of it. This is really my second remix of it. I first started with a MIDI program long ago last summer and it sounded really good. I later on found a better program for making music. so i converted the MIDI music into a better more realistic sounding. but it sounds nothing like my old one. My old one was called "Metroid Spirits" My first one is on Newgrounds along with my other stuff.

And remember everyone. Anything can be music. Anything.

NOTE :The file is currently in an attachment. sorry guys but its the only way i could do it.


http://www.zophar.net/nsf/metroid.zip - Track 5 ("Kraid's Chamber")

7:07 long, 64kbps, and no treble frequencies? Man, these sounds are weak, dawg. You weren't playin' when you said upgraded MIDI, that's for sure. Composition has some personalization (at least as much credit as I can give it having not heard the version of Kraid from Metroid: Zero Mission), but boy does it drag out.

As this really took it's time with long, fairly minimalist sections, ultimately there's nothing particularly interesting going on. The last few minutes were particularly rough.

Could go over a laundry list of shit to address, but I'm just gonna say don't send in stuff without realizing the standard of stuff currently being posted here. This ain't NewGrounds. You need a lot more skill and experience under your belt.

And remember everyone. Anything can be music. Anything. But not just anything can be good.



in a word- boring.

The piece sounds like it's striving for evokative-minimalism, but it just comes across as really weak and anemic. It's as if it were missing very vital organs to propel and animate the song. Right now, it's a skeleton, a framework, that needs both coarse and fine detail



Wow, this is really bad quality. What happened there?

The quality of the instruments is quite bad. The synth used as the lead early on is bland. The whistly, beepy thing later on is just boring, it plays the same thing over and over with some weird sound effects and the occasional organ chords/drum kicks. This might have made good ambience in a really old game, but you couldn't honestly expect something this basic to pass here.

Work on the quality of your pieces more. You'd probably benefit from really focusing on the sounds in the mix and working on making your ambience sound more uniquely crafted.

As it is, this is a NO


Sound quality alone - eg. clipping, terrible encoding, completely wack mastering - prevents this from passing. Tons of other issues with this... the other judges pretty much covered it. I would strongly suggest in the future encoding at no less than 128kbps and using VBR (a feature of LAME) if you have to, and also perhaps hitting the Remixing forum to learn some better production/mastering techniques.


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