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http://www.tzone.org/~llin/psf/packs2/FF7_psf.rar - 306 "The Nightmare's Beginning" & 403 "The Highwind Takes to the Skies"

Thanks to TO for identifying "The Nightmare's Beginning" here, as when I very briefly listened to it, I didn't hear the connection. Not a bad intro using "The Nightmare's Beginning"; fairly muddy, but I was feeling the texture overall up until the percussion came in at :44. Melody doubled up at :59. "The Highwind Takes to the Skies" arranged melody was added on top at 1:28 with a noticeable key change.

The texture at that point was pretty thin, as the instrumentation was very simplistic. Drums needed to be more varied, and the bassline could stand to be given a richer sound. The drums and bassline need to form a nice solid foundation, which they don't. Stuff sounded like it was clashing from 2:38-2:56.

Transition at 2:56 was non-existent. Lame ass exposed hat-pattern came in at 3:11, along with the drums and kicks by 3:26. I wouldn't built to 3:26 with the gradual addition method, as the exposed sounds were weak. Basically chugged along repeating stuff until the fadeout ended too quickly at 4:23 and left 7 seconds of silence at the end.

Arrangement effort was there but too simplistic in the big picture, though it was in the right direction as the feel was very different from the source tunes. It just felt that once you get through a couple of minutes here, your ideas and sounds didn't vary and were on cruise control. The relative sparseness and blandness of the instrumentation didn't help either. Work on more creative synth design, more complex percussion writing, and more complex textures. Not bad for a beginner submission. Try and get more feedback from our unwashed masses as well.



Yea, not bad for a first submission.

there's a couple of issues that need to be addressed here though.

the arrangement itself is a pretty good idea, it's just loses itself in the implimentation.

the synth that takes the highwind theme is poorly designed and abrasive, and the sequencing on the synth that comes in at :59 is not very well done. The phrasing and rhythm don't line up with the guitar-ish sample playing the same line. It's just barely off but enough to cause me some discomfort whilst I listen.

The drum programming also gets stale about a minute in. Add some more variety to really engage the listener.

My last complaint is the transition at 2:56. Really, really weak. Conceptually its innefective, and the sequencing on the organ sample needs to be improved, it sounds awkward and out of time. Go back to the drawing board and think of a better way to end this.

Some good ideas here, but this isn't OC level yet. Retool, resubmit.



The kick that comes in at the intro is really abrupt, same with the snare, you need to alternate velocities, filter the kick so it's more bassy. The snare's killing most of the mix for me.

In terms of creativity, it's at least an interesting take on the two themes. They do meld together fairly well as demonstrated here. The highwind theme synth as JJT said isn't done too well, and the section at 2:30 sound too dissonant for me to work. The keys don't seem to match too well, not to mention that you're just reusing phrases and ideas.

As Larry and JJT said, the transition at 2:56 was like switching between two different songs. Not to mention that you go from 3/4 to 4/4 in the same phrase, which just doesn't sound right (ie: as said, no transition, it's just layered over.) It sounds like poor planning to me, just so you could bring the snare and kick back in.

This one will need a lot of work to get it up to OCR level. There are lots of issues here, the only thing really going for it is that it's pretty creative, so it might be the kind of thing you should leave for now and come back to later on in your mixing life when you can utilise the ideas that drive the mix a little better.


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