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This remix is inspired by Mykah's own remix of Bynn The Breaker. It's in the same style but I recreated almost everything from scratch and put my own spin on it.

I give Mykah credit for providing the Stranger vocals. Due to the gravelly nature of the voice, it was hard to mix it in properly. Eventually I went with stereo-separating the voice samples, made it a whole lot better sounding.

The intro will have to be re-done to make it stand apart from the original more.

Remix rev. 2 -m "Almost done, proper beginning and end"

The remix

Feedback always appreciated!


This is great! I have very few things to note about it, mainly being that one of the instruments sounds a bit off (I commented on SoundCloud at the time where it comes in). Adding some sort of extra modulation or effects to that would add some energy to it I think.

Other than that, this piece is really awesome, great work! :)

one of the instruments sounds a bit off (I commented on SoundCloud at the time where it comes in).

Other than that, this piece is really awesome, great work! :)

I agree with that part. It does sound a bit weak, so I removed it.

But now, update time! The mix is almost finished. It has a proper beginning and ending now. Now it just needs some additions to the arrangement. I've also used more filter and stuttering for some of the sampled parts. Listen to it here!


The voice could use some high-passed stereo delay.

0:36 - the bells sound a bit thin. Maybe layer something to give it a tone with more body.

The kick could use more punch. The thump and click is alright.

1:45-1:53 - nice wubs. Should be twice as long because it's one of the more interesting and creative parts. This would be a good improv part for the wubs. The wubs are also kind of obscured, at least on these cheap earphones I use when I'm not home.

2:28-3:02 - Eh... here's where the wubs get kind of gimmicky. They're getting overused here. Change up the synth patch or arrangement there.

3:57 - perhaps fade the bass out by 4:02, in a linear volume automation.

Track needs a better ending. Sounds like a fadeout to me. It's OK overall, needs some polish and detail fixes. Almost there.


Just okay? Man, I have a ways to go, then.

Fade-outs can work. I removed instruments one by one and then looped the last sample through a high-pass filter. You can tell it's within the context of the song, which sounds different from someone turning down the volume of a music player, which falls outside of the song's context.

So I will work on the 2 minute and 4 minute sections more. They are starting to transition better, but it could be improved.

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