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Posted (edited)

Edit: final version here: https://soundcloud.com/byproduct/asteroiddance_final

Made a synth orchestra remix of Asteroid Dance from Tyrian OST, for an upcoming indie spaceship shooter game called KOPS (should be released for the iPad in a couple of weeks).

It's also my first orchestra track, actually. Just started learning the ropes on these eastwest plugins, so go easy on me. :P

The original track was made by Alexander Brandon, available for example here:

Oh, and the game will be 100% free (and no ads or dlc or anything of the sort), so I'm not using someone elses melodies for a commercial project. :)

Edited by Byproduct
Posted (edited)

I'm a real fan of Tyrian2k, I played that like crazy as a kid.

Heard this already via soundcloud and I really love what you've done with the Tyrian tune. :)

The transition at 00:38->00:41 sounds a bit weird. Love hearing the epic horns later in the song! At 01:20 try to bring in more of that bass. It's a really fat part!

The indie game KOPS also looks pretty cool, reminds me of Pixel Junk Shooter. The fact you can run around without your ship after the ship's blown apart is pretty neat idea.

I didn't know one could remix other games' songs for ones own game?

Edited by Elrinth
Posted (edited)
The transition at 00:38->00:41 sounds a bit weird. Love hearing the epic horns later in the song! At 01:20 try to bring in more of that bass. It's a really fat part!

Thanks! Now that you said it I notice these things too. Also got some useful feedback on some of the string parts from a professional violinist - so a tweaked final version is definitely coming. :)

The indie game KOPS also looks pretty cool, reminds me of Pixel Junk Shooter. The fact you can run around without your ship after the ship's blown apart is pretty neat idea.

Oops, I called it KOPS by accident - the game is actually called MUKS (KOPS is a similar game from the 90s). :P

I didn't know one could remix other games' songs for ones own game?

I normally wouldn't use remixes in games, just to be on the safe side, but I in this case, for three reasons I don't think there are copyright conflicts:

1) the remix is completely from scratch and absolutely no assets of the original used (not even temporary stuff like MIDI files),

2) the game will make literally zero money (it's completely free, there are no payment options, no ads, nothing) so it's not commercial as such, and

3) if someone (=Epic Games?) did want to protect Tyrian music copyrights, I'd imagine they'd start by taking down the original content from youtube etc before hunting remixers.

Just for the sake of manners, I asked A.Brandon himself (via twitter/youtube as I don't have his email) to be sure he doesn't mind, but unfortunately got no answer. I don't feel like messaging someone I don't know repeatedly, so I'll just have to hope he doesn't take offense. The remix is obviously a tribute and an easter egg (and not an attempt to try to benefit from the original track), but you can never tell how people react to such things if you don't get to ask them.

Edited by Byproduct

Minor nitpicks:

0:16 could be better legato.

0:20 and 0:53 sound just a bit washed in reverb.

0:40 and 0:51 sound too detached.

1:18 - drums are a bit buried and kinda surrounding the listener a bit.

1:46 sounds like a repeat of 0:16 with some harmony.

2:04 sounds like it should be a climax, but it wasn't effectively built up to nor did it build up quite effectively later on either.

The remix overall sounds pretty static. There isn't much of a "show-off" section or two so it's pretty straightforward and simple to me.


The mix sounds... weird. Scooped. Particularly in the strings and brass. Like you grabbed an EQ and took a large chunk out of somewhere in the midrange.

I definitely like where you're going with this, but you did something strange with the EQ.

Posted (edited)

Thanks for the feedback! I now have a pretty good checklist of things to look into when making the final version, and while I probably can't fix everything satisfactorily, I'm sure I can improve it a lot. Much appreciated!

As for the eq, I can't hear any large chunks of midsections missing myself so I'm not sure I can fix it, but I'll keep that comment in mind and see if I could find something wrong there. EQ-wise the only major "butchering" I've done is taking out the lowest end of the horns and cellos because the electronic bass is there. Everything else has been minor tweaking.

The remix used to be electronic mixed with orchestra, but one by one I ended up removing everything electronic except the bass, so the eq could probably use a complete overhaul at this point, I admit. But I do want to get some version of this remix out before I leave on a 3-week holiday on Monday, so starting the mix again from scratch is probably not going to happen. At least not before May anyway.

Edited by Byproduct

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