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Posted (edited)

ReMixer Name: Ujifusa

Name: John Ryan

Email Address:

User ID: 49881

Game arranged: Chrono Trigger

Arrangement: "Corridor of Time" (Ujifusa remix)

Individual Song arranged: "Corridor of Time"


So, basically the inspiration behind this track was I was playing Chrono Trigger, I heard the song, and thought a piano would sound really cool. From there, basically it just kind of evolved into a classical track and I wanted it with more of an electronica / chill feel. The end product is pretty much all these ideas combined.


Edited by Liontamer
closed decision

I really like the moodiness here. I think the mix is holding it back. The bass is too droning, and too loud. The piano and strings are too dark, you really need something to cut through a bit more. The drums are too loud for you to get away with such repetitive writing.

Not too far off, but you need to make some adjustments.


  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

Intro seemed pretty strong. The beats at :42 had some meat to them, and there were obviously effects employed on them, but they seemed comparably too dry and exposed compared to everything else.

The drums are too loud for you to get away with such repetitive writing.

If anything hurt this arrangement, it was that issue.

By about 1:45, the dynamic curve already sounded too flat, mainly on account of the beat pattern being so static. That said, there ARE subtle rhythmic variations throughout, I DO notice them; but the pattern basically sounds fixed & repetitive on account of the percussion sound never changing for almost 4 whole minutes.

One idea would be that you could swap the sounds of the beat out a couple of times over the course of the track to create subtle but more pronounced dynamic contrast without needing to resort to something drastic that would disturb the overall pacing and flow of the track.

Either way, you need something that more effectively creates variation and dynamic contrast for the backing instrumentation.

Meanwhile, the foreground treatment of the Zeal theme and the overall arrangement and production ideas were excellent, and I wouldn't change a thing about the rest of the piece.

This is definitely well on the way to passing, John, and just needs some background writing tweaks to give this more obvious development & evolution over the course of the arrangement. I hope you tweak it and resubmit this so we can pass it and post it. Get feedback on your revisions from a couple of people first before you do, but I definitely want to see this posted in some form. :-)

NO (resubmit)

EDIT/P.S. Don't forget, for here you need a more creative title than "Source Tune Name (Artist Mix)".

Edited by Liontamer
added P.S.

First of all, very cool writing. You're covering much-tread ground here, but doing so in fresh way.

Unfortunately, I don't have much to add to Vig & Larry's excellent votes. I'll echo focusing on the drums. Also, with regards to getting some more high end on the instrumentation, just make sure not to overdo it to kill the vibes you've established here.

Sidenote: there's some extra silence that could be cut from the end of the track for a resub.

NO resubmit, please

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