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I submit to you today my remix entitled "Rose Town Hoe Down" for inclusion in the great collection of OverClocked Remixes. Details are as follows:

ReMixer name: The Heptadragon

Real name: Andrew Stern

Email address: heptadragon@musician.org

UserID: I'm not quite sure where to find this, and I don't see it in my profile anywhere, but I know that my username is heptadragon (sorry!)

Name of game(s) ReMixed: Super Mario RPG, a little bit of Final Fantasy 6

Name of individual song(s) ReMixed: Beware the Forest's Mushrooms (SMRPG), Gau (FF6), Canon in D (Pachelbel)

Comments: I got my original inspiration for this mix from a random square-dance tune I heard on the radio. I was listening to it and I started to make up some lyrics about dancing with Mario. I wrote those lyrics down and waited. Eventually musical inspiration came when I was listening to the Super Mario RPG soundtrack. It hit me that "Beware the Forest's Mushrooms" would be really amusing if the tempo were doubled. I put two and two together and the Rose Town Hoe Down was born. I couldn't just leave it as a dance tune the whole way through, though... any good square-dance song has to have a ballad in the middle (riiiiiight). The melody for that ballad was none other than Gau's theme from Final Fantasy 6. More amusing lyrics sprang to mind as I imagined Mario waxing eloquent about his life. The result is a rocking, danceable tune with a heartfelt ballad in the middle. And of course, what song wouldn't be complete without a quote from Pachelbel's Canon in D? (I'm a cellist, so that damn song gets stuck in my head all the time.)

Link to song:


-Andrew Stern

==The Heptadragon==

P.S. Sound effects are from Super Mario 64 (of course) and Bust-a-Move '99.

  • 2 weeks later...

http://snesmusic.org/spcsets/smrpg.rsn - "Beware the Forest's Mushrooms" (smr-128.spc)

http://snesmusic.org/spcsets/ff6.rsn - "Gau" (ff6-118.spc)

Meh. Dammit, I hate when I have to listen to stuff with gratuitous and patently cheesy usage of SFX and voice samples. Seriously, why do people think going this route sounds great? Do we even have a single mix like that here? ("Welcome to Quake 3 Arena!")

Anyway, trying to mentally block that crud out, the first section's instrumentation right off the bad was lacking texture. Sounded like some of the really cruddy Genesis soundtracks that clearly didn't take full use of the sound capabilities. For all those "Figaro Chiptune"/"See Sixty Funk" haters, THIS is an example of using throwback synths to poor effect, you assholes.

Segued at 1:06 to a decent piano sample with really beginner-ish, tacky lyrics sung to "Gau". At least you had some harmonization going on at 1:57 for that RAY OF LIGHT amongst the terribleness.

ROOOOFL, right back into the synth crud at 2:39. You had me LOLing right there, I'll give you that. MASSIVE CLIPPING at 3:18 right before the typical "Thanka you so much for to playing my game." Wow, I mean, I'd legit critique this and all, but c'mon. :lol:

NO way. You need to break this off on OverLooked instead.


Yeah, this is overlooked material for sure. Very amusing when looked at under a funny light.

For a little bit of tongue-in-cheek judging. The sounds are all dry and basic. The sound effects are taped on. The lyrics are... creative... not exactly the best performance, but still funny along the lines of "Toyota Disco" (Seriously, listen to that if you feel bad about this vote, Mr. Stern. I'm pretty sure that Toyota Disco is what keeps Cher singing.)

You'd get many more positive reviews and votes over at overlooked remix though for sure. This is pretty much a prime example of why that site was created, for the funny side of remixing.


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