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Im a fan of old SEGA-games and I have listened to much of the music around here. And its great :) I have just finnished my first vide-game song from Streets of Rage mix of "the bridge"!




Contact Info:

Remixername: joynes

e-mail: joynes@hotmail.com

website: http://www1.shellkonto.se/joynes/release/

Remix info:

Game: Streets Of Rage

Comments: Well I love fighting games and the music in Streets of Rage

was totally awesome

I simpy have to remix some more songs from :)



http://www.zophar.net/gym/sor1.rar - Round 4 ("Keep the Groovin'")

Rather generic sounds here, but there were still some decent ideas here. The synth lead you had here really doesn't work here though. It was too loud, obscuring or flat out drowning out your other sounds when in play. The beats and ethnic-style percussion in the back were ok, but didn't vary up at all (aside from dropping it out in the middle of the track); take them off cruise control please.

Wondering what the hell happened at 1:54 to cause all that mud. The piano there and whatever glassier sound was doubling the melody sounded absolutely terrible as a result. Then the whole thing just started to sound really abrasive at 2:44. Just poor mixing choices.

The arrangement was ok per se. Not really much interpretation going on, but you did change some things around and tried to personalize the approach. Needs more varied beats, better sound textures, and better mixing.


  • 3 weeks later...

Reverb overload on that background synth, not fond of that style of sound. It might sound a little nicer without such a wet sound.

The drums and percussion at the back is pretty good, but the stuff in the foreground is the major problem. That lead synth is really irritating, it doesn't change a great deal throughout the song, you've done a few creative things to it, but not enough to stop it from becoming repetative and annoying. I'd really like to hearing something less abrasive there. The piano that comes in is very strongly reverbed causing a very muddy sound as Larry pointed out. The other synth effect that comes in sounds like it has a very long delay on the notes, so it's adding to the muddy sound of the mix.

In general, the arrangement is probably pretty good, but the production of the mix and choice of a lead-synth is really dragging this one down. Needs a lot more work before it'll be site-worthy.



Really basic drums and synths here, for the most part. The lead synth has a cool tone for the first few seconds, but it doesn't move enough, so it quickly becomes annoying. I like the subtle processing you did to it to keep it interesting but you need more, or an entirely new lead altogether. The texture is relatively minimal overal, with usually no more than a handful of parts at any given time. To keep things that minimal you have to make sure the parts you DO have are interesting and engaging. The drumbeat, for example, is not. It's very plain. I recommend varying it up more or layering additional percussive parts.

When the piano comes in, followed by the bell-type synth patch, things just get really muddy fast. I think I even heard a little bit of clipping so you need to watch your levels there. EQ the low-mid frequencies back and cut down on the reverb.

The arrangement is not too bad in terms of the overall interpretation actor, but there IS a lot of repetition and because of the lack of changes in the percussion and the lack of significant changes to the chord progression or dynamics, it feels like it doesn't go anywhere. The ending is a simple fade out, not good.

A lot of things here need to be polished. It seems like you know what you're doing in terms of putting together nice synth sounds but you gotta make them work together, and also work in the context of a 4:42 song. Also, polish the arrangement and rework some of the percussive sections, and you'll be a lot better off.


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