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*NO* Final Fantasy 4 'Lunar Accelerated'


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Email sub file Final Fantasy 4 Lunar Accelerated OC Remix.mp3

Contact Info:

Remixer Name: GK

Real Name: Gerald Kaye

Email Address: Tekkaxe@gmail.com

Website: www.geocities.com/gkgokiks

Remix Info:

Game Remixed: Final Fantasy 4

Song Remixed: The Lunarians

Comments: After an increased period of practicing, i wanted to attempt another remix.

While playing the gba redo of ff4 and after recently hearing harmony's dragonsong again, a love for 5/4 started welling up inside of me. Thus, i mixed. I can't pinpoint why this track grabbed my attention, but it did and here we are. I tried to keep the song interesting and varied while still getting the song out that i wanted to. It was also my goal to utilize the sounds i had on hand to the best of their and my ability so that the quality would be there.

Well, enjoy, bob your head, make children dance, etc.

(sidenote: if this gets approve-ed, could i get a birthday shout-out to Eujiggles? Feb 10, go her!)

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  • 2 weeks later...

http://snesmusic.org/spcsets/ff4.rsn - "The Lunarians" (ff4-41.spc)

Aside from the bass kicks and hats, everything seemed too low in volume. Anyway, I liked the intro cutting the bullshit and OMFG getting str8 into the action. Good stuff for relatively simple sounds. Nice texture from :27-:54 when things focused on the piano. Crazy hats were a bit too trebly and loud at from :54-1:22. Too bad that pad dropped out from 1:22-1:49, as that left the track feeling empty despite all the manic activity going on, but I nonetheless appreciated the contrast.

Pretty much more slight variations in the groove moving on into 2:17-3:11 while using more of the source melody, though the beats were gradually wear thin through this section, as the beats never dropped out like the other two times earlier in the track to give them a rest.

Some swirly pad stuff came in from 3:08-4:05 for a nice touch, but simply felt like 2:17 being retread, only now with the pad on top. If you don't want to consider cutting the length, create more contrast with the percussion pattern earlier by changing it more dramatically or stopping it again for a while. Thus when you reach 3:08, the addition of the pad (along with some other changes in the percussion or other instrumentation) would seem like a more dramatic and creative move.

3:53 finally started winding things down, before 4:06's piano duet provided a fadeout close that others may be annoyed by. It worked well enough for me.

Up the overall volume, tone down the treble, and create some more contrast throughout the second half of the piece so it doesn't needlessly wear the listener down and you'd be all set with me. Dunno how much luck you're gonna have the other groove-hating judges! Nice stuff so far, Gerald. I'll be keeping it. Use the ReMixing and Works forums here to further improve your skills and gain feedback from the people.

NO (rework/resubmit)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmm. There are some pretty cool ideas here as a breakbeat track. I like the drum sequencing for example, and some of the atmospheric synth patches fit well with the style you're going for. However I think most of all the production needs work. The piano for example is too loud in comparison to the drums, and the drums themselves are mixed rather poorly (ideally in a mix like this the drums should take the forefront). Also some of the drum samples sound a little too lo-fi, especially the kick when it's being played really rapidly. I think also having the piano patterns going the whole time sort of took away from the overall mix. Finally, you might want to practice using effects a little better. The delay on the piano is simply excessive. Add reverb, decrease the delay. Wetten up some of the pads and the hats/snare too to make the whole thing seem a little more spacious.

The arrangement isn't bad though switching up the texture at some point or another would be a good idea. As Larry said, hit up the ReMixing and WIP forums for more help on some of these topics.


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