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Posted (edited)

Fun Fact: The first video game tune I ever tried to make an arrangement of was this song, the save room theme from RE3. I have also added in some parts from Jill's theme in MVC3

Check out the current state of the remix here

I never realized till now how much the theme sounds like the X Files theme.

Anyway, I've been playing Revelations and Rachael is terrifying. Let me know what you think of the mix so far. The intro is all spooky, movie style stuff and then from there it goes into some good old fashion trance. I don't think I have done straight up trance music for a year now.

Edited by AngelCityOutlaw
Posted (edited)

At 0:27, the reverb and delay on the piano has a little bit too much feedback, so it's returning the wet signal for a little too long. If you reduce it by about 5~10%, it should be fine.

At 0:57 or so (wherever it is that it's the middle of 0:55's bass drum-esque hit and 1:00's low pass filter), you could put a sweep of some sort that signals the low pass, maybe a decimated tremolo sweep. Right now it makes me want the low pass to not come so early. I think a phaser transition at 1:09 would fit in pretty well. Just automate the effect on and off.

The snare isn't bad, but it has room for improvement. Right now, it sounds like it's high passed to make room for the kick frequencies. Try removing any sort of high pass you have and instead, notch the snare where the kick fundamental is, and do a narrow peaking band for the kick at the same spot. If your snare wasn't high passed at all, then you need a low end punch layer. It should be most evident at 1:33 where it's exposed. 1:34, without the snare, sounds more lo-fi than before, so the frequency distribution of the drums is a bit off. I guess you could try a narrow peaking boost on the kick near 4000Hz and see how that goes.

The transition at 1:55 can use some more detail-oriented fixes. Maybe some retro toms, or something more to fully connect the sections. The strings at 1:58 are too loud, as the choir there is just barely squeezing through, and the brass as well (the brass is faring a bit better). You could also do a little scoop on the EQ of the strings where the brass' "bite" would be, but not boost that frequency in the brass (because it's strong enough). 2:11 really has it packed, and I could barely hear the transitional kicks. You might need to adjust some velocities there. The supersaw lead at 2:19 is a bit too detuned, and it creates a buzzy, somewhat grating sound.

3:06 has a weird granular sound fading out. Not sure why it's there.

Believe it or not, the production is actually pretty good on this so far. I liked the bit of decimation at 0:34 btw.

Edited by timaeus222
At 0:27, the reverb and delay on the piano has a little bit too much feedback, so it's returning the wet signal for a little too long. If you reduce it by about 5~10%, it should be fine.

At 0:57 or so (wherever it is that it's the middle of 0:55's bass drum-esque hit and 1:00's low pass filter, you could put a sweep of some sort that signals the low pass, maybe a decimated tremolo sweep. Right now it makes me want the low pass to not come so early. I think a phaser transition at 1:09 would fit in pretty well. Just automate the effect on and off.

The snare isn't bad, but it has room for improvement. Right now, it sounds like it's high passed to make room for the kick frequencies. Try removing any sort of high pass you have and instead, notch the snare where the kick fundamental is, and do a narrow peaking band for the kick at the same spot. If your snare wasn't high passed at all, then you need a low end punch layer. It should be most evident at 1:33 where it's exposed. 1:34, without the snare, sounds more lo-fi than before, so the frequency distribution of the drums is a it off. I guess you could try a narrow peaking boost the kick near 4000Hz and see how that goes.

The transition at 1:55 can use some more detail-oriented fixes. Maybe some retro toms, or something more to fully connect the sections. The strings at 1:58 are too loud, as the choir there is just barely squeezing through, and the brass as well (the brass is faring a bit better). You could also do a little scoop on the EQ of the strings where the brass' "bite" would be, but not boost that frequency in the brass (because it's strong enough). 2:11 really has it packed, and I could barely hear the transitional kicks. You might need to adjust some velocities there. The supersaw lead at 2:19 is a bit too detuned, and it creates a buzzy, somewhat grating sound.

3:06 has a weird granular sound fading out. Not sure why it's there.

Believe it or not, the production is actually pretty good on this so far. I liked the bit of decimation at 0:34 btw.

Believe it or not, the production is actually pretty good on this so far. Believe it or not, the production is actually pretty good on this so far. Believe it or not, the production is actually pretty good on this so far.

Coming from you, that means a lot, actually! Especially since my production is usually complete shit.

Yeah, I guess I could make the adjustments you suggest and then make it a "mod review" version and see what they think.


Alright, here's the last version:


I made several of the adjustments T suggested. I reduced the reverb and delay feedback by about 10%, I removed the snare's high pass. I also tried layering it with snares with more low end, but I couldn't find a result that satisfied me. So I stuck with the "if it's "not bad" don't make it worse" line of thinking. I got rid of the cliche filter and just went with a phaser transition as suggest. I also dropped the strings volume a bit in the place suggested. I also switched the saw tone to a much better one and finally, removed some of the ambiance on the final drum hit.

Mod Review this mutha'.

Anyway, I really must get back to the Castlevania mix. Enjoy!


Boom Tiss! Haha! I like this track, in particular the squelchy 303 arpy thing. I don't know this source at all, but I suspect you may have a problem that the first 1:10 seems to be sourceless intro. (if there is source there, I apologize, but it is a full 1/3 of the track that seems to be just intro) In fact the first 24 seconds (awesome as they are) contain no music. Just sayin', for the judges, that may be a problem.

You could carve some mids out of the string pad and also the choir. Strings are a little dry. Choir is a lot loud.

I love the bass. Supersaw! Ok... could use some extra delay. Piano sounds great.

Good ending. Not easy to end a trance track without a fadeout, well done. I feel like the track could easily be a whole minute longer... because trance... but that may make it too repetitive... ok let's see what a mod says. Overall, sounds good and I like it!

Boom Tiss! Haha! I like this track, in particular the squelchy 303 arpy thing. I don't know this source at all, but I suspect you may have a problem that the first 1:10 seems to be sourceless intro. (if there is source there, I apologize, but it is a full 1/3 of the track that seems to be just intro) In fact the first 24 seconds (awesome as they are) contain no music. Just sayin', for the judges, that may be a problem.

You could carve some mids out of the string pad and also the choir. Strings are a little dry. Choir is a lot loud.

I love the bass. Supersaw! Ok... could use some extra delay. Piano sounds great.

Good ending. Not easy to end a trance track without a fadeout, well done. I feel like the track could easily be a whole minute longer... because trance... but that may make it too repetitive... ok let's see what a mod says. Overall, sounds good and I like it!

Glad you like it, Kristina.

I figured the sources may be a bit hard to recognize at first. So I should probably do this:

The entire piano line except for the outro is the same as the piano in the Resident Evil Save room theme. It's just sped up (a lot) and some of the last intervals in the phrase had to be adjusted time-wise so that it would be in time.

The orchestral break and the super saw synth are both from Jill's MVC3 theme which in itself is a remix of her theme from RE5. The orchestral part is obviously the intro to the MVC3 theme, but the supersaw is the same intervals as the synth lead in the MVC theme, but played with a slightly different rhythm.


Just a couple of quick thoughts, as I'm not really able to give in-depth feedback while travelling:

- You're not really using the entire sonic spectrum, in that I feel like the song could use both more bass and more treble. The kick isn't deep, and yet the bass is mostly midrange as well. There's no sheen on the track, either, although that could be a function of Soundcloud compression. Everything is kinda bunched towards the midrange.

- It's a very "1998" trance feel. Not that that's a bad thing, as I do love me some retro EDM, but it does feel very dated. If you're aiming for a more modern trance feel, I'd invest first in some sidechaining and maybe a bit more variation in some of the percussion.

That's all I've got for you right now, but hopefully that means something at this point.


Wow, a trance remix. :)

Ok, first of all, get more rhythm going. Use more percussion or cymbals/hi-hats. Hell, even a loop would make it less static.

Secondly, I have to agree with Flexstyle on the dated trance style. I don't know if you were going for that, but if you add a string or two during the main riffs and shift it to broaden the stereo spectrum, you'll get a better feel, imo. Maybe even an arpeggio or stutter to emphasise the Trance genre.

Lastly, production-wise, this is pretty solid. Sounds are good, FX are nice, builds are a bit simplistic but will get you there. Overall, a good piece.

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