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Mario Kart 64 Ending Theme Piano Arrangement


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Probably not remixed enough to qualify as a ReMix. Do you suggest I leave it as is and post it elsewhere, or try to make it into a ReMix that would be accepted here?

Make sure to link a source tune as well, so ppl might be more inclined to comment. The expressions and timing are actually not too bad imo - this feels very real...if you told me it was played live I'd believe you lol. Either that or that is 1 powerful piano sample lol. The speed up area about 3/4 into the track felt a bit mechanical - once again I don't know if this is done live or via vst. Sometimes it can be tough to tell for me when humanized well lol. Only listened to it once mind you and still haven't heard the source tune so...for now I'll say this is pretty good ;)

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Make sure to link a source tune as well, so ppl might be more inclined to comment.

Edited -- thanks.

The expressions and timing are actually not too bad imo - this feels very real...if you told me it was played live I'd believe you lol. Either that or that is 1 powerful piano sample lol.

It's some of both. I played it live into a MIDI keyboard, edited the MIDI because I'm not quite good enough at playing piano, and then rendered it with the Bechstein patch from EastWest's QL Pianos (23 GB, so yeah!).

The speed up area about 3/4 into the track felt a bit mechanical

If you mean 2:37 until it slows down, that was barely edited at all. If you mean the sections immediately before that too, I edited that a little more because I felt my live timings were too awkward. I can always re-perform parts until I get them more natural, though, if you think that would help.

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Edited -- thanks.

It's some of both. I played it live into a MIDI keyboard, edited the MIDI because I'm not quite good enough at playing piano, and then rendered it with the Bechstein patch from EastWest's QL Pianos (23 GB, so yeah!).

If you mean 2:37 until it slows down, that was barely edited at all. If you mean the sections immediately before that too, I edited that a little more because I felt my live timings were too awkward. I can always re-perform parts until I get them more natural, though, if you think that would help.

Yeah, I believe it was at 2:37 that needed more editing/humanization - I just got back from work, so lemme give it a listen and I'll post u back in a sec. Good stuff on using a MIDI keyboard, that takes mad skillz and plentiful balls.

Also...that's a DAMN fine sample. Did you actually buy E/W or did u pirate it =p Actually nvm don't answer that question :nicework:


I'd reccomend that you add a string quartet or something else, cuz imo, piano solos can be critiqued pretty hard here, since there's only the 1 sample, they'll be focusing even harder on the humanization area and so forth. Regardless, this might have a good shot as is, so long as you humanize that area that I mentioned earlier.

Edited by HoboKa
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Did you actually buy E/W or did u pirate it =p

I actually bought it. I'm against piracy except under exceptional circumstances (e.g. original item is no longer available for sale). And besides, from what I've heard about how difficult it is to crack iLoks, it might even cost me more than the $1000 I paid for the collection of EastWest's sample libraries.

I'd reccomend that you add a string quartet or something else

I'm working on adding another source tune, the Rainbow Road theme. Pressed Record on the project and jammed for fifteen minutes, and one part of all that came out very nice. I think it's coming together stylistically as well.

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Also...that's a DAMN fine sample. Did you actually buy E/W or did u pirate it =p Actually nvm don't answer that question :nicework:

That's a pretty shitty thing to ask someone, TBH. :???: If you did any research you would know that EastWest uses iLok, which is generally piracy-safe. Also that they constantly have sales, so it's easy to get a good deal on their stuff.

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I actually bought it. I'm against piracy except under exceptional circumstances (e.g. original item is no longer available for sale). And besides, from what I've heard about how difficult it is to crack iLoks, it might even cost me more than the $1000 I paid for the collection of EastWest's sample libraries.

I'm working on adding another source tune, the Rainbow Road theme. Pressed Record on the project and jammed for fifteen minutes, and one part of all that came out very nice. I think it's coming together stylistically as well.

Dayamn. Wish I could afford that much for E/W...looks like you'll have no problem getting posted on OCR, once you get the humanization down. Rainbow Road eh? Could be interesting.

That's a pretty shitty thing to ask someone, TBH. :???: If you did any research you would know that EastWest uses iLok, which is generally piracy-safe. Also that they constantly have sales, so it's easy to get a good deal on their stuff.

Yeah that prob wasn't my best moment there. I'm just a lil jealous is all :3 I drool at the thought of one day owning E/W q.q

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Dayamn. Wish I could afford that much for E/W... I'm just a lil jealous is all :3 I drool at the thought of one day owning E/W q.q

I saved up for half a year, but it was worth it. It was the Complete Composers Collection, and it included a full orchestra, choirs that sing words (albeit crappily), a GM-equivalent collection, some nice ethnic sounds, four ~20GB pianos, and a bunch of action movie-type drums--about 85% of the 1 TB hard drive they shipped me. And it was on sale for $100 off and free shipping, so I sprung for the upgrade to everything in 24 bit. Basically the only samples I will need for five years if I only want to emulate actual instruments. As far as I'm concerned, the quality is equivalent to some libraries that are many times that expensive! (And I was tired of the $200 Sibelius default samples...)

looks like you'll have no problem getting posted on OCR, once you get the humanization down

Well, I've not exactly had an easy time in the past--see http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=40239 , which is in the submissions inbox right now. So we'll see, but hopefully you're right! :D I think the judges are good enough musicians to not just accept a piece because it uses expensive samples, though!

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I saved up for half a year, but it was worth it. It was the Complete Composers Collection, and it included a full orchestra, choirs that sing words (albeit crappily), a GM-equivalent collection, some nice ethnic sounds, four ~20GB pianos, and a bunch of action movie-type drums--about 85% of the 1 TB hard drive they shipped me. And it was on sale for $100 off and free shipping, so I sprung for the upgrade to everything in 24 bit. Basically the only samples I will need for five years if I only want to emulate actual instruments. As far as I'm concerned, the quality is equivalent to some libraries that are many times that expensive! (And I was tired of the $200 Sibelius default samples...)

Well, I've not exactly had an easy time in the past--see http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=40239 , which is in the submissions inbox right now. So we'll see, but hopefully you're right! :D I think the judges are good enough musicians to not just accept a piece because it uses expensive samples, though!

Hmmm...guess I am putting it a bit that way lol. I somehow doubt that I could do a brass quartet with low-fi samples (like Soundfonts), or a solo violin (have u ever tried that? *shiver*) But there's semi-decent VSTs that aren't too expensive, such as Philharmonic or Garritan's =p, so I rly can't complain, which makes my whole bitch-fest completely irrelevant. I love being me :)

OKAY, regardless, your track is doing pretty well IN MY opinion; but I'd reccomend that you get some other posted mixers or workshop mods to give this their own opinion before submitting it to the panel. I'm an aspiring workshop mod, so my critting/listening skills still aren't quite up to par yet.

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