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OCR02977 - *YES* Final Fantasy 10 'Zanarkand String Quartet'

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  • 2 weeks later...

If this passes, we should double-check that this isn't based on a previous string or orchestral arrangement. I'm also curious as to whether it's a live quartet (with more player credits needed) or multi-tracked. Either way, this was a smooth listen.

Arrangement-wise, this was structurally close, but the excellent live performance dynamics and new part-writing to accommodate the full quartet were a thing of beauty. It's short and sweet; count me in. Keep 'em coming, Spencer!


  • 1 month later...

Simple and lovely. It does follow the source quite closely, but as Larry said, the live performances and adaptation to string quartet are enough to distinguish it. I also would be interested to know how many performers were in on this, or if it was multi-tracked. Either way, it is glorious!


  • 3 weeks later...

As someone who used to record classical music for a job, the image is bloody awful, and the fact that people are even asking you if this multi-tracked is a problem in of itself.

But that's the classical production snob in me talking, we don't normally get this sort of thing anywhere near this crisply performed so this is a very easy yes.


  • 1 month later...

Them closing high notes is sweet like sugar; very purdy.

Certainly a classical but NOT contemporary classical approach to the arrangement - no real curveballs, just a very competent and heartfelt arrangement/performance of one of Nobuo's sweeter melodies. All very legato; it might have been nice to have some more mixed articulations, as that's one way string quartet pieces can get a lot of timbral mileage, but this opts for an overall smooth delivery, from beginning to end.

It's hard NOT to like this, but at the same time I DO think the arrangement could have used some more sparks & verve - even while retaining the very flowing, swaying vibe, there are plenty of ways to surprise the more jaded listener. Just some food for thought; still a


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