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Finally a game for perverts everywhere:


Now all they need to do is make a pretty-boy version in order to complete the circle of life via the order of the Prince of Bel-Air.


Should you try to catch both male and female versions of Pokemon? I haven't played in ages so I don't know if you can breed them or something.

If you can catch a Ditto, you can use it to breed with almost any pokemon. That was the case in gold/silver/crystal. Most of my egg-raised pokemon in my gold version came from a single Ditto. (lol what a slut)

Diamond/Pearl will continue this feature, right?

Should you try to catch both male and female versions of Pokemon? I haven't played in ages so I don't know if you can breed them or something.

If you can catch a Ditto, you can use it to breed with almost any pokemon. That was the case in gold/silver/crystal. Most of my egg-raised pokemon in my gold version came from a single Ditto. (lol what a slut)

Diamond/Pearl will continue this feature, right?

So far, the breeding system seems to be intact from RSE. So that means that yes, you can pimp your Ditto with just about anything. As for catching both genders, there isn't really a point unless you plan to breed for certain moves, IVs or Natures. If you want a certain pokemon, you can use different male and female pokes, as long as they are compatible. The offspring will be the lowest form of the female, but will inheret TMs and special moves from the male.

Beats me...but, can you also breed like a male and female Raichu to get anything?

You will get a Pichu, which is a baby Pikachu. Anyone that played Smash Bros should recognise it.

Beats me...but, can you also breed like a male and female Raichu to get anything?

When breeding, the resulting pokemon is of the youngest evolutionary form of the mother. In this case, you'd get a Pichu and nothing else. This is why Ditto is so useful. The resulting pokemon will be the earliest form of the Ditto's mate, regardless of gender. Breed it with an Electabuzz to get an Elekid, etc. There are exceptions though. For example, you can't breed two Dittos to hatch another Ditto, and the same is true for legendary pokemon.

Edit: jack'd (sorta); I take too long to type. :/

Cool, thanks for the info...but how do I know if two Pokemon are compatible or not? And do they have to be the most evolved form of the species?

No, they do not. There are a few exceptions, though. Check here. Find the poke you want from the top, and then look under "Egg Groups". You will see a drop-down list of pokemon that are compatible.

Also, pokemon hatched from eggs now come out at level 1, instead of the usual level 5. This removes the old question of "why are hatched pokemon at level 5, but I can fight a wild level 2 Pidgey?"

And fucks loads of new info is coming out on DP. Just hit Serebii.net as usual.

EDIT: Oh, and PokeGarden (that cool flash site that is designed to look and act like the GBA games) has updated and unvieled a new feature: a modest statue of the three new starters. Not exactly big news since the ROM was leaked a few days ago, but it's still nice to see that the site is updating.


Beat the first gym leader...he would have killed me, but one of my Pokemon has some sort of defense that poisons an attacker when hit. Just spammed potions on my Pachama (I think that's it's name) until his last Pokemon fainted :D

Wow this brings back good memories of the first games.


A lot of their recent games have been hentai-oriented it seems. SNK apparently got a few galge (girl game, hentai game) artists for a lot of little games.

I would guess that would boost their earnings by a few thousand percent.


I'm wondering what the mouth icon is for...


A lot of their recent games have been hentai-oriented it seems. SNK apparently got a few galge (girl game, hentai game) artists for a lot of little games.

I would guess that would boost their earnings by a few thousand percent.


I'm wondering what the mouth icon is for...

Do we need to know?


A lot of their recent games have been hentai-oriented it seems. SNK apparently got a few galge (girl game, hentai game) artists for a lot of little games.

I would guess that would boost their earnings by a few thousand percent.


I'm wondering what the mouth icon is for...

Do we need to know?

"I love you with mouth"?


The eyeball is for the money shot right?


Anyway, I'm still playing some more Mystery Dungeon. I wish they'd program the pokemon to be smarter. If your out of PP, don't try to use that move! If the enemy is already asleep/leech seeded/paralyzed/etc, then don't try that move again!

I hope in Diamond/Pearl they adopt the way they did when learning a new move. When you learn a new move, it'll tell you what it does in a description so you know whether or not to ditch it or learn it. Did they do this in Ruby/Saph? I don't remember.


Anyway, I'm still playing some more Mystery Dungeon. I wish they'd program the pokemon to be smarter. If your out of PP, don't try to use that move! If the enemy is already asleep/leech seeded/paralyzed/etc, then don't try that move again!

Find gummies and give them to your pokemon it'll increase their IQ and sometimes they learn a new IQ ability, thers abilities that can check for status effects or ammount of PP (actualy I'm sure you already have PP checker or its one of the first abilities you'll get from a gummy). There's many other IQ abitlities too, I've recently gotten one that makes the pokemon dodge more often.


Anyway, I'm still playing some more Mystery Dungeon. I wish they'd program the pokemon to be smarter. If your out of PP, don't try to use that move! If the enemy is already asleep/leech seeded/paralyzed/etc, then don't try that move again!

Find gummies and give them to your pokemon it'll increase their IQ and sometimes they learn a new IQ ability, thers abilities that can check for status effects or ammount of PP (actualy I'm sure you already have PP checker or its one of the first abilities you'll get from a gummy). There's many other IQ abitlities too, I've recently gotten one that makes the pokemon dodge more often.

Oh, duh. I forgot about PP checker.

I've failed to turn mine off as well, so I was pretty skeptical it was that to begin with, but it was the first thing that popped into my head.

Actually... yeah, it was plugged into the charger. I then unplugged it thinking it might have had something to do with it. Even if it was overheating, I let it sit for several hours, and it continued to happen. Also, I've played a few other games on it after it happened, with no problems at all. No error messages or anything of that nature; nothing visibly wrong with it. I wonder if I'm pressing the buttons too hard...

I'll definately contact Nintendo if the problem persists.

So how does the game play and are you still having that problem? I'm considering buying MMZX but if there's some critical glitch, I'll pass.

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