djpretzel Posted May 12, 2006 Posted May 12, 2006 email sub file Felicia Storm - Magical Sound Shower [GJ Edition] 160.mp3 My little brother and I had a competition a year or so ago where the both of us were to remix 'Magical Sound Shower' and let a friend of ours be the judge. Needless to say, I won ;P I have been meaning to send this song to OC Remix for a whole long time, but never gotten to it for one reason or the other. I am a new artist to OC-Remix, remixer-name "Zelest". I think I got all the ID3v2 Tags right, however I am a better musician than ID3-fiddler, so I might have done something wrong. I got no website, however this ( mail will do. The name for the song 'Magical Sound Shower [GJ Edition]' is kind of an internal joke between me and friends which I will not elaborate on here as the mail would get a bit too long then I am a bit sad to have to disobay the Submission guidelines, as I got no external server anywhere to upload my song, so I will attatch it to this mail.
Liontamer Posted May 12, 2006 Posted May 12, 2006 - 01 "Magical Sound Shower" From now on, nearly all Genesis soundtracks will be linked from Project 2612. Use the VGM input plug-in with Winamp to listen. Much better than using GYMs/YMs. The source tune was surprising in that at the 2 minute mark there was a ton of additional comping-style ideas in there that I didn't know were coming. If I hadn't have known better, I might have attributed that kind of stuff to someone else's ideas, rather than the original composers. Whole tune is 3:32-long. Shows you just how much OutRun I played as a kid. Opening sounds like some ultra-tame DDR intro only to settle into a barren playthrough of the source material by a delayed keyboard. Beats FINALLY kicked in at :40 to start filling out the soundfield, but everything sounds muddy and lacks punch. The bassline of the mix is pretty obscured by the beatwork, and the piano even struggles to establish itself as the primary foreground player. Eeeeew, some HORRIBLE sample for the sampled steel pan at 1:44; sounds absolutely awful and clearly wasn't meant to be sequenced with these ugly machine-gun style attacks. Some other scratching thing (I guess the braking noise sampled from the game) briefly made an appearance at 2:38. What was the point? 2:50 goes right back into the same stuff at the intro, except it says "Checkpoint!" instead of "Get Ready!". Lame recycling of the previous material to drag the song out. 3:24 adds some sort of poor woodwind sample (or whatever it was) as an additional layer on top of the recycled arrangement from the beginning to provide the most minor of minor instances of dynamics and development. I get to 4:26 with a little less than a minute left wondering if it's literally gonna keep plodding along with the theme, and it sure does. Start at ReMixing and learn more about the programs and sounds involved in the hobby, ask people for feedback at Works: OCR (they're always willing to help a lady), and continue working from there. This suffers from poor sounds, poorly-USED sounds, and a boring, repetitive, and needlessly drawn-out arrangement. That's about as basic as I can put it. NO
DarkeSword Posted May 12, 2006 Posted May 12, 2006 Everything is too far in the back; there's some weird reverb that's making everything sound far away. The beats DON'T help with filling out the soundfield. This is pretty repetitive, and follows the orignal fairly closely. You need to interpret the song more. All of the harmonic stuff in the background bleeds together, there's no definition. The steeldrumthing is really mechanical. Needs more interpretation and attention paid to humanization. NO
GrayLightning Posted May 12, 2006 Posted May 12, 2006 This is above our file size requirements. Please read the submission page: First of all, OutRun and it's music were awesome. GT fans can suck it. As far as the mix, kudos for mixing this theme. But there's a laundry list of issues here. It sounds like you had fun cooking this mix up, and that's all well and good, but from the OCR standards perspective this definitely needs more expansion, personalization. The structure here is too similar to the original other than the steel drum section. That part is ridiculously robotic and quantized sounding. I do love what you were doing at that part though, very fun stuff. It's also overly long and repetitive. Yeah everything is over-reverbed. Everything sounds like it's in the back of the hall. The sound quality is lacking big time, as are the samples. The effects processing isn't very high quality either. Generic and basic mix, that's not anywhere ready to see primetime status on OCR I'm afraid. But it's a pretty fun and decent mix. You beat your brother so I'm sure mission accomplished as far as that goes. If you want to continue to progress and get posted at OCR though, this needs a lot of work. As suggested and let me reiterate, you should visit and lurk at least in our WIP/Completed forums as well as the Remixing forum. NO
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