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hmm...so the first thing i notice is that this track is lacking in a midsection. it's portioned like a womanz. wider at the top and bottom. other than that, this mix is seriously repetitive.

gotta mix it up. NO


http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ewj - "Buttville ~ The Descent" (ewj-07.spc)

No interpretation, this is structured too similarly to the original only with very plain, thin electrosynths and plain, boring beats. The only new thing seems to be these almost piano-style rhythms on top.

Overall though, just no meat on the sounds beyond some basic effects, and no production refinement or balance. Arrangement just drags on after a while; whereas the original went for 2 iterations, this goes for 4.



Can't be good when most of your instruments across the frequency range are in unison. Add to that some really simple phasing and flanging, and you've got a recipe for mediocrity.

Overly repetitive, with not enough material to warrant its length.


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