djpretzel Posted May 21, 2006 Posted May 21, 2006 c o n t a c t i n f o REMIXER NAME: TadMax HOMETOWN: Madison NAME: Tony Tadman EMAIL: r e m i x i n f o GAME: Columns SONG: "Lathesis" COMPOSER: Tokuhiko Uwabo REMIX: "Crystal Control" Not a Prince, no worries. This is my very first OCR submission, and, regardless of the outcome, I greatly anticipate your comments. So, thank you in advance. - TT
Liontamer Posted May 22, 2006 Posted May 22, 2006 - 04 "Lathesis (BGM 2)" Decent ideas for the melodic instrumentation. The piano had a bit too much delay, not to mention the other stuff. Busier sections like 1:58-2:27 sounded absolutely swamped and indistinct once you added vox into the picture. The flimsy-sounding, uncreative, repetitive beats don't fit well with the other sounds and only make the track sound too beginner-ish, but you're new and you'll be learning how to create more interesting drum writing in the future I hope. Some iffy piano stuff going on at 3:22 as well, but that was taken right from the source. Ah well. Damn, the arrangement repeated verbatim at 3:30, only with the vox being used more, which is boring. Your arrangement ideas, though not hugely interpretive, were decent. But you have to take the arrangement in other inventive, creative directions if you're going to go for a 6:23-long mix. Everything sounded way too samey over time, and there wasn't enough in the way of dynamics or instrumental variation to keep the piece interesting. Hang around the community and read the ReMixing forum to research and get more familiar with the tools you're using, then stop by the Works forum to post your work and get more feedback from the community before you submit more material. Decent ideas for a first mix, but you have a long way to go. Keep at it. NO
The Orichalcon Posted May 26, 2006 Posted May 26, 2006 The source is absolutely awful. Let's hope you've done a better job Vox thing starts off kinda bland, hoping it builds into a thicker soundscape. Hihats and beats come in, followed by questionable clap sample (I hate claps, but I won't hold it against you.) Beats sound robotic so far, vox sound fairly bland in the background. Synth brought in at around 1:15 does better to fill the background up a little, a proper bassline would do this piece wonders. The piano reminds me a lot of Croc (the game) music, showing that heavily reverbed piano can sound very angelic if used right. The vox give it a good tone here. The biggest thing working against this piece are the beats. You gotta put more groove into them than the bland stuff you have going on here. Since this is a fairly light piece, it doesn't have to be too involved, just something to make the listener go "hey that's pretty cool" rather than "hey that's pretty boring." As Larry said, it repeated at 3:30, and it's pretty noticeable considering the melody isn't exactly memorable. Shorten the mix if you run out of ideas. This could've faded out fairly easily with such a light and angelic tone. Not a bad first submission. I do like the soundscape, it could've been a bit more full. A bassline really would've helped go with the beats, and some better beats would seal the deal. Duplicate the vox and stick a Flanger over the second lot, then automate them. It can give it a nice texture over the sections with no beats as you make the transition between sections. Anyway, not too bad, but not quite OCR quality yet. NO
JJT Posted May 26, 2006 Posted May 26, 2006 the drum programming is a glaring issue in this mix. dull, uninspired, etc. that's not to say this mix sucks, because it doesn't. the style reminds me of some of Orbital's stuff. it definetly creates a mood, or an atmosphere, or something intangible and vague like that. i don't think the piano had too much delay, but that in it of itself is a minor thing. this needs more inventive percussion and cleaner production to put it over the bar. good first submission. it'd be nice to hear some more stuff from you. NO
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