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*NO* Legend of Zelda 3 'Darkness'


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Hi, this is my first attempt (ever) at remixing a game's song. and i'm not very musically inclined at all, i've no formal training in notes or any of that stuff, so this was an accomplishment on my own regardless of whether or not you guys like this ;-)

I know Zelda 3 is a popularily remixed game, and that this particular song (the darkworld outside theme) has been remixed at least three

times... but i like it, and i thought i'd give it a shot. :-) I'm not

sure if the ID tags are proper, but i got most of it (i think)

I'm not entirely satisfied with it, but i haven't the time to 'finish'

this one off and so i'll submit it and be done with it. if anyone wants, i can give them the source files (Reason 3.0) i used to make this remix and they can do something with it.

Anyways, if you do accept it I'd like the OC Remixer name to be BlueSlug, and my email address is

It can be accessed at (i would like if my email address and this link were not posted on the public forums or anywhere else widely accessible ;-) )



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http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=loz3 - "Dark World" (loz3-12.spc)

Synths are pretty defaulty. No real texture save for that the soundscape is awash with delay and things are panned hard right for some reason. Sadder that I picked it up having worse hearing in that ear.

Rinse and repeat at 1:16. 5:28-long? No way that's necessary; it really doesn't make the track any better.

Rinse and repeat at 2:23 only now with some tame beats added. There's a lot of subtle build here as new elements would gradually be added into the picture, but nothing really fleshed out the soundfield.

Rinse and repeat at 3:39. Went for some minimalism at 4:40, but everything just sounded really sparse and beginner-ish. Arrangement goes for some personalization in terms of the style/sounds, but otherwise isn't very interpretive or interesting, only repetitive. Not much in the way of build, dropoffs or any sort of dynamics either. ReMixing & Works are your friends to get more feedback and learn more about your tools.


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Thumpy at the mid-low end. more balance is needed. I guess the main problem here is that the formula is the same for the whole song. Drums and bass play the same pattern all the way through, sections repeat, and they all sound the same. Needs to be a little more varied in composition.


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