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This trailer blew my mind.. I HOPE the changes they are making 1 month from now will be epic. It looks like they will be. It looks like in 1 month it will be the best time ever to play Destiny. This trailer makes year 1 look like the beta. 


It looks more like Star Wars than Destiny especialy at the end. THAT SPACE BATTLE!!! WHAT


Got Destiny on PS4 a few months ago, getting ttk when it comes out. Haven't done much and I don't have the dlc (yet), but I'm always down to raid or do strikes if anyone wants to.


EDIT: Got a 20 Warlock, 24 Titan and 32 Hunter (main, levelling warlock tho). Have a few exotics including Gjallarhorn. Need a group to raid with on PS4 since all my friends have it on xb


I'm a regular myself, but like most I kind of put it down since most activities right now aren't really worth doing atm. Destiny is pretty much at that state where ppl are just waiting for the taking king (myself included). So as soon as the next expansion pops up, I'm gonna be all over it cuz Bungie's latest reveal streams have been very promising.

  • 2 weeks later...

I'm a level 24 hunter blade dancer (Recon / Shotgun), was about to play today but couldn't bring myself to do it. If I had people to co-op with that I actually knew I think I'd get further than the login screen. Please add me if you want. I can usually play MTWRF 6-11 PM.


PS4 ID: Kemarofangs


Kemarofangs, not only will I help you out but I will introduce you to a bunch of other people who could too. Just be ready with a mic and join our party later. Now is a good time for this. Most of us took off work for the DLC tomorrow. I'll be on a lil after 11pm then DLC drops 5am..... then I'll just hold out as long as I can haha.

As for Xbone I think we had 1 guy but he quit. Pays to be on ps4!


Hey guys, Bungie just made these quick legend videos for ur guardians highlighting some stats that you have acquired so far for year one. Its a pretty neat video that's about a minute long ( for everyone). Depending on the stuff you did for each of ur characters, bungie also gave them lil nicknames that goes along with ur account.


Bungie gave my Titan the nickname         - Unstoppable Supercoolmike, the Fallensbane

Bungie gave my Warlock the nickname    - Untouchable Supercoolmike, the Cabal Conqueror

Bungie gave my Hunter the nickname      - Seargon Supercoolmike, the Herald of fate


This is my titans version that was created through bungie



If u want to see how ur videos would be, just click on the link. When the link is loaded scroll down and type in ur xbox or ps4 username and it should recognize you giving you the option to choose to a character and watch ur version. Everyones video will look the same for the beg and end of the video, The actual stats from your characters start at 0:20 and will end at 0:38. If you don't see any stats during these moments, chances are you probly didn't use that character enough to get its own certain type of highlights.


I hope you're all lubing up your scalps cause on Friday we're gonna wear Oryx's ass as a hat


This expansion has made Destiny into the game it should have been a year ago -- but I'm not complaining, I have an absurd amount of time into the game, and a bunch of friends who are amazing.


And fiery Carolina Reaper peanut brittle straight from the Texan kitchen of Riboseman, MVP of the hard mode. 


His brittle has burned many an ass. I can only hope Oryx doesn't have any of it before I wear his ass as a hat.


But seriously if you aren't playing The Taken King right now and you're into Destiny you're missing out. 


There's so much stuff to do right now. I haven't even gotten one of the new exotics yet but some people have. A friend got The Jade Rabbit (PS4 exclusive) and I saw it in game. The best thing I got was the PS4 exclusive sublime engram helmet. 


Gonna be spending some time in Court of Oryx to try to raise my light level for when the raid drops on Friday. I'm around 253 right now but would prefer to at least be 280 before the raid. I'm going to try to add the raid to the OCR events calendar if I can remember how to do that. 

  • Some advice if you're leveling up a 2nd or 3rd character for high light level, put your high light weapons and ghost in the vault and switch it over to the character you're working on. Supposedly you get drops based on your light level when you turn them into the Cryptark specifically, so the higher the better.  Put on your highest light weapons and armor even if you don't like using them so much and they're blue. I had a blue that was 297 light. I only got a 300 legendary artifact from Eris for the Depose the Court quest and that was such a tiny upgrade that it didn't matter. 


Mine is I think 295 on the Hunter and 292 on the Warlock... sadly, I haven't killed Oryx yet in the new raid. That easily pushes people up to 300 light. 


I did get the Devouring Maw for my Warlock from the Fallen S.A.B.E.R strike though and it's really cool. 


From the raid on 2 characters (without doing the ending) I got the sniper rifle, the fusion rifle, and 2 ghosts. All at 300 or higher



  • Some advice if you're leveling up a 2nd or 3rd character for high light level, put your high light weapons and ghost in the vault and switch it over to the character you're working on. Supposedly you get drops based on your light level when you turn them into the Cryptark specifically, so the higher the better.  Put on your highest light weapons and armor even if you don't like using them so much and they're blue. I had a blue that was 297 light. I only got a 300 legendary artifact from Eris for the Depose the Court quest and that was such a tiny upgrade that it didn't matter. 


Mine is I think 295 on the Hunter and 292 on the Warlock... sadly, I haven't killed Oryx yet in the new raid. That easily pushes people up to 300 light. 


I did get the Devouring Maw for my Warlock from the Fallen S.A.B.E.R strike though and it's really cool. 


From the raid on 2 characters (without doing the ending) I got the sniper rifle, the fusion rifle, and 2 ghosts. All at 300 or higher


I'm really close to 290. If you wanna run the raid this week I'm down for it.


EDIT: have you gotten the guaranteed 310 exotic from the daily heroic? 

  • 2 months later...

You can make 1 of each class and unlock all the subclasses because they're all useful in their own way. I haven't done PVP in a long time but last time I did auto rifles were moving up, pulse rifles were strong, snipers are good for secondary, and machine gun is good for heavy if you want to play it safe and get more kills, otherwise use rockets. If you mean what class to pick to help out your team the most, it really doesn't matter, you can really play whatever you want, but a self-reviving Warlock is always a good thing to have. Do the bounties so you can level up really quick. 


Man, I haven't seriously played Destiny in like 2 months. That last DLC didn't last long at all. :(

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