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Zelda Lttp- Boss Theme and OoT- Miniboss Theme


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Well the mix is Zelda Lttp- Boss Theme and OoT- Miniboss Theme = Upper-management Personal

……..(sigh)So there is a huge problem here. I’m ready to send my computer out the window on this one. Im using Cubase and I have an Arpache SX attached to the synth that starts @ 1:28…however it DOSE NOT sound like the synth I have running while I’m playing the track IN cubase, when I Mixdown into a Wav. I get the track posted. I know it’s some how related to the Arpache SX, It plays perfectly in cubase. Again at 3:14,Arpache SX attached, track while playing in Cubase = different than whats in the Wav. Both have a sort of gated feel in Cubase, but when mixed down as a Wav. the gated feel is gone and all i get are sustains and NO choppy-ness and punchy gated feels I get when playing in Cubase are gone….This is really causing allota stress. Testing the water here if it’s worth the fight I’ll stay on this Mixing issue, if the remix is DOA, I’ll turn my efforts elsewhere, either way the version I want to continue mixing is locked up in Cubase and I can’t finish it until I resolve the issue.

So 2 Questions

1) Can anyone help with the Cubase problem and

2) is the mix sound like something that sounds like it’s headed in the right direction or am I beating a dead horse

Thank you for the Time and ANY help is appreciated.

Link- https://soundcloud.com/yoshiblade1/boos-hit-566356

Edited by YoshiBlade
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  • 2 weeks later...

Best that version stay private, but thanks to the help of Nostalvania (fine upstanding young man, if I may say so) I was able to fix the issue. I was told this was a little repetitive and there's truth in that. However, is it good? So I'll posit an example, in regards to the repetitive moniker. If you ate 1 slice of Pumpkin Pie, thats good. If you ate 1 slice of Eel Pie that's kind of bad. If you ate 9 slices of Pumpkin Pie that's good, but just too much. If you ate 9 slices of Eel pie, thats really bad and should give up on eating pies.......So, what kind of pie and how many slices did I just serve you?

Here's the Pie, errr...Link....whatever....... https://soundcloud.com/yoshiblade1/boos-hit-6

P.s as an addendum, Looking back at the above, I see the possibility for many baking puns here, so don't let me stop you

P.P.s it's still in it's WIP stage, so looking back maybe the baking puns are a bad analogy, I mean who eats a baked good half way done?

P.P.P.s ........cookie dough...damn it......well Im not gonna delete the above because of a bad analogy, so hows the cookie dough?

Edited by YoshiBlade
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I think one ( if not the) reason for the repetitiveness is that the sources itself are pretty repetitive, especially the Lttp one, the Oot one seems to have some more substance and even a short theme, maybe you could use it in your mix?

What you have sounds good IMO, the in-game sound clips/sfx are used well and you didn't overuse them. The ending is a bit abrupt though.

There is a breakdown at 2:35, after that it continues with the same bassline/synth (granted with some variation) as before. When i listen to the track i just get the feeling that there is something missing, it needs something more. I dunno, maybe it's just me and my personal taste, so i think it probably would be nice to hear what other people think about this.

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This feels empty. The textures are not filling out the soundscape until 1:31. Before then, it would certainly help to use something like a pad (or anything that acts only to fill in soundscapes) to fill in that emptiness. Also, there really isn't enough development in the first 1:10 and in similar places where the same groove (relative to its section) plods. It needs some sort of layering or melodic progression or something to break up the repetition, i.e. an arp line here and there, adding more percussive layers, etc.

At 2:24 - 2:36, the snares feel too similar in velocity, and it feels distracting and plodding. It would help to make the velocities more sloped so that it creates a more pronounced volume envelope and doesn't draw attention away from the melodic portions of the arrangement. i.e. increase the velocity more slowly and gradually towards 2:36. It would be easy to do that in less than a minute---you would just do a right-click-drag in the piano roll and you can edit multiple velocities to a linear slope, and then tweak from there.

There is no ending as far as I'm concerned. It just sounds cut-off, like a rendering of a particular selection in FL; i.e. it feels like a rendering mishap.

Overall, with the source being this repetitive anyways, it basically asks for textural development in an arrangement of this sort, and the major issue is that there's not enough of that. This is a groove-oriented remix, but the groove is too repetitive at the moment. Changing up some rhythms here and there, adding variations to the textures, and layering textures progressively can really help this. ;-)

Edited by timaeus222
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Thanks for the feedback all! Yeah the ending is an absolute cut off, this is still very WIP. The thing is I can't run both Reason and Cubase( All i get is a garbled mess) so what is happening is I'm recording the Reason drums and SFX and putting them in as a wav. and trying to sync them as best I can. I wish there was an easier way :-( . Im really scared to tinker with the simplicity of the sounds in this one, I thought it was giving a sense of You and The Boss, no one else......alone, rising tension, but the only thing I can foresee is crowbarring in another boss theme, so far LoZ 2 boss theme feels like it may work in some measure, but Im up for suggestions.......Cubase is very obtuse I just need to get that off my chest :roll:

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  • 3 weeks later...
This feels empty. The textures are not filling out the soundscape until 1:31. Before then, it would certainly help to use something like a pad (or anything that acts only to fill in soundscapes) to fill in that emptiness. Also, there really isn't enough development in the first 1:10 and in similar places where the same groove (relative to its section) plods. It needs some sort of layering or melodic progression or something to break up the repetition, i.e. an arp line here and there, adding more percussive layers, etc.

Somehow, nothing changed. These issues are still here. There's just not enough substance to keep people listening right now.

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  • 1 month later...


So a little more salt in the soup....ok....a little more....little more.....little more aaaannnnnddddd it's swill. Yeah this mix....I don't know. So you hear, then decide if the issues are being resolved, without me over salting the mix. Serious question though...Are these reMix-relvaluate-retouch-repost sessions we do here in the workshop, being held to "Post"-able standards? By which I mean, someone might say "yeah this track is sounding really good, but not good enough to be posted"? I really hope I'm being held to a very high standard and not just limping along in the race with no real chance of being a posted remixer. Either way, thank you for the listen!!!

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