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*NO* Magical Date Dokidoki Kokuhaku Daisakusen 'Party Time'


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This is from a Japanese 1996 Taito arcade game, so I can't find the source from my usual places. Can't believe that the title is right though, yeesh.

You've got a good groove going, but where was the rest? I'd like to say more, but you didn't really give us more to work with. Variation and creativity are your friends. Develop and personalize the material more.


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Catchy little tune.. some of the sound choices here are more interesting than we usually hear from dance tunes, so props for that. It does seem a little sparse at times, but overall I think the problem is more with the arrangement of the song. It's a few chords over and over with some slight variations. Definitely not BAD but you could use more.. "stuff" in there. There's not even any kind of melody or riff going most of the time. With some polish to the arrangement/structure this could pass I think, since the production is pretty cool.


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Something's sounding a little too crunchy in the background at the beginning of the mix and subsequently through the mix. Could use a little less fuzz on the distortion.

I agree with zirc and Larry that you've set up a good basis groove here. It is the same few chords repeated with some variations. I'd say it's almost there for a minimalist creation, but you can build up to a good melody or synth section if you wanted to in the middle of the piece, rather than just having it repeat.

Good production apart from that crunch-factor. Resubmit if you can figure out how to fill in the gaps.


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