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Hey guys, I have some questions for those of you who wouldn't mind helping me out. Long story short, I've been saving gift cards for a couple of years, and it's now time for a new console. I'll be getting an Xbox One, but I need help in making a decision (posted this in community instead of Xbox thread because all console owners will likely have an opinion on this). The standard console comes with 500 GB. There's no way that will last, so here's what I'm considering:

Option A: Buy the COD Advanced Warfare bundle ($100 more expensive), which comes with a 1 TB console. It's ugly as sin, and I didn't care much about the game at first, but I do enjoy shooters so would probably have fun with it. My main reason for doing this is the upgraded space, which although 500 more GBs isn't that much, I figure the drive will be more reliable than an external. However, I may eventually run out of space on this one, too.

Option B: Buy a standard console and plan on getting a portable external drive later. Off the top of my head, four games stand out that I'll really want now/soon (Sunset Overdrive, Master Chief Collection, Dragon Age Inquisition and Shadow of Mordor), so I don't anticipate running out of room very soon. My concern is instances I've read/heard about in which people's external drives fail more easily than OP products. From what I've read no brand seems to be immune to this, but I have no experience with external drives myself. Also, I understand the external drive would be cheaper and would offer better performance than the Xbox's internal drive, but my main concern is reliability. I want it to still work after 5-10 years, preferably longer. I would be interested in a one or two TB drive, if I bought one.

So what's my best option, factoring in these variables? Of course I don't want to spend more money than I have to, but I even more so don't want something breaking on me for no reason.

And if anyone says "Option C, buy a PS4/Wii U," I will hunt you down. :wink:

Posted (edited)
And if anyone says "Option C, buy a PS4/Wii U," I will hunt you down. :wink:

D: Get a better PC


On a more serious note, couldn't you back up an external drive every so often? Maybe just my bad luck but basically anything with moving parts isn't reliable, old cartridge systems and handhelds are the only thing I've had last 10+ years...think I had my gamecube for around 10 years actually and it never broke, I just got rid of it...no hard drive in that though and it had the simple flip top disc reader instead of the more complicated and error prone ones that are used these days.

Edited by shadowpsyc
Posted (edited)

Option A seems like pay X + $100 to get 500 GB, the XBox, and something CoD-related.

Option B seems like pay X to get the console and pay Y to get a 1 TB HDD.


^ That 1 TB costs less than $100 MSRP, like you anticipated. So it seems better to just buy that external HDD. If you think you can take good care of it and not toss it around somehow, then yeah, go for it. As long as you handle it gently, it's not so unreliable to have an external vs. internal HDD. Besides, then you'll get moar [sic] space. Not to mention:


3 TB... $115. That's a really good deal. Much more satisfying long-term. :)

Edited by timaeus222
D: Get a better PC.

PC master-race ftw

I would actually go with Option A AND B. If you don't foresee yourself running out of space in the near future, to me it makes more sense to spend the extra 100 to get the 1TB console because at least you will get a game with it that you might actually play and down the road, when you need it, you can get a cheap external drive of 2 TB or greater.

If you just go with option B, you'll get the external space for around 100 bucks, but when you add the games and shit you'll probably be around the same price as if you had just bought the 1TB console and the games.

D: Get a better PC

I guess I left myself open for that one...yeah, I would definitely be backing stuff up, the question in my case is where to?


^ That 1 TB costs less than $100 MSRP, like you anticipated. So it seems better to just buy that external HDD. If you think you can take good care of it and not toss it around somehow, then yeah, go for it. As long as you handle it gently, it's not so unreliable to have an external vs. internal HDD. Besides, then you'll get moar [sic] space. Not to mention:


3 TB... $115. That's a really good deal. Much more satisfying long-term. :)

Thanks for the links and breakdown. I think I'm ever so slightly leaning toward this, the standard and an external later. If the 1 TB console looked good or if I had been looking forward to COD this choice would be easy...

I would actually go with Option A AND B. If you don't foresee yourself running out of space in the near future, to me it makes more sense to spend the extra 100 to get the 1TB console because at least you will get a game with it that you might actually play and down the road, when you need it, you can get a cheap external drive of 2 TB or greater.

If you just go with option B, you'll get the external space for around 100 bucks, but when you add the games and shit you'll probably be around the same price as if you had just bought the 1TB console and the games.

The other side of the option A argument that you kind of touched on is that I may end up needing external storage anyway even with the 1 TB, and by that point the price between a 1 and 2 TB external would be pretty negligible. It's almost negligible now.

GAH! What to do. At least I have until Nov. 2 to decide, when all consoles and bundles drop another $50 in price.

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