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*NO* Kirby Super Star 'A Quick Brawl'


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ReMixer Name: Sparkyrogers

Birth name: Tahir Rogers

Email Address:

Site: http://spark717.newgrounds.com/

Game: Kirby SuperStar

Arrangement Title: A Quick Brawl

Original Song: King Dedede's Theme

This idea randomly came to me when I was fiddling around with my drum loops. A DnB remix for Dedede. DnB. Dedede. GET IT? dB

Also, I'm kinda new to the concepts of "Mixing and Mastering", so if this doesn't qualify, could you give me some pointers on how to properly mix so I could do better next time? Much obliged... ^^


Edited by Liontamer
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First off, I recommend reaching out to our wip forum and/or finding a buddy who is more experienced than you to help you learn mixing/mastering. What is here is not too bad at all, it can definitely use some polish but it's coming along.

This is a pretty interesting take on this source. The drum loops do sound loopy but you have thrown in some fills so that's good. I'd remove some of the reverse samples, those should be used sparingly.

The lead at 1:00 is quite generic and doesn't hold my interest, but I like when you add the countermelody and harmony at 1:12. Be careful so sounds don't overlap too much in the same frequency range, you can use eq to make room for each one.

Glitching at 1:23 is super cool. Soloing at 1:29 is cool, all the way to 1:47, that part writing is great. The lead at 1:47 is much too loud and piercing, gotta blend that better, you could use a more interesting sound too.

The piano at 2:04 is extremely mechanical in terms of sequencing (notes played perfectly all at the same volume), and the timbre is a bit muddy, also the extreme panning is odd and distracting. Also, the piano is playing the same source tune motif pattern from before, verbatim. This would be a good point to change the writing up.

More work to do, but don't be discouraged.

NO (resubmit)

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  • 4 weeks later...

OMG the panning in this track...

I gotta say there there's a ton of great ideas in here, but there are some issues that are holding it back. For one, you've got that lead at 1:47 that's just too loud; needs to scale back and bit and maybe you want to play around with the sound on the lead to make it a little more interesting. Then again, knowing the source, I can kind of tell what you're doing with it.

The low piano playing the lead is also really problematic. It's really low, hard-panned, and also sounds really dry. It's not sitting in the mix at all. You really need to revisit that part and punch it up; I know you can do it because there's some really great part-writing here already, especially in the synth line.

You've got to pull some of your tracks back to the center a little bit; the hard-panning is really distracting.

I think this mix has a lot of potential but there are a lot of issues too. I wouldn't mind seeing this on OCR after you go back and do some revisions and rewrites. Hopefully you can throw this on the Post Your Mixes forum and get some good feedback.

NO, resub

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Yeah, I don't get why this is hard panned to the right to start. It ultimately ends up being a terrible idea that kills this track dead. Even if everything else was on point, this extreme panning makes 0 sense on headphones.

The piano at 1:58 was super fake, and the drum pattern is on complete vanilla autopilot with no bassline to pad out the background; the pattern quickly plods. Also, the piano pattern droning on with the same melodic treatment until 2:59 was another extended section that lost interest due to the plain pattern and overdone repetition. The synths that quietly joined in at 2:28 were a good touch, followed by the choir padding at 2:38, which sounded pretty fake but at least filled out the soundscape more.

Love the crazy synth writing from 2:49 until 3:00; brief, but it showed off a lot more personality in the arrangement and what you're creatively capable of.

Fix the panning, make sure the textures are too simplistic/empty, and don't lean on plain, repetitive patterns. Promising start, Tahir, you just need to get more sophisticated with the writing to realize the potential here.


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