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*NO* Final Fantasy 7 'Highwind Takes to the Skies (Metal Version)'


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ReMixer name: SacrificetoSurvive

Real Name: Matt Stoops

Website: https://soundcloud.com/sacrificetosurvive

User ID: 52968

Final Fantasy VII

Highwind Takes to the Skies (Metal Version)

Highwind Takes to the Skies

One of my favorite soundtracks ever, hope you can dig it fellas!


Edited by Liontamer
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Love this theme, it really lends itself well to the anthemic metal style you chose here. I love your lead tone and performances across the board. Production sounded quite nice to my ears, not overcompressed with a lot of room to clearly hear every part of the song.

Unfortunately I'm not hearing much interpretation in terms of melody or structure from the original - while it's true that there's a level of expressiveness and intensity added in the rhythm guitars, lead performance and drumwork, this does not do much to differentiate itself from the sources, either. I could see how some judges might find that sufficient enough to make this work as a ReMix, but I feel like the level of personal interpretation on the original is not quite sufficient here.

A couple of other nitpicks - the strings in your intro sound SUPER fake and completely lacking in articulation, and don't really get this track off to a good start. Also, there's a weird fadeout on your synth at :09 that sounds awkward on headphones... that buzzy synth needs a longer, smoother decay so it doesn't drop out of the soundfield so suddenly.

Lastly, your fadeout ending sounds lazy and inconclusive, I would have loved to see a more climactic, definitive closure to the track.

I can see how this one might swing either way, because your performance and metal adaptation is one of the better ones I've heard recently, but I personally don't think there's enough rearrangement or interpretation from the original to make this work by OCR standards. Solid track either way, though!


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Feeling the same as Wes here; the track is very energetic, and for the most part the sounds are pretty solid. What gets me is that the track is played through twice without much interpretation either time. I'd almost say it was a cut and paste the second time through, which is what bothers me the most. You have some really good things going on in the background parts, but the lack of change at all to the melody and the second run through are what do it for me.

I'd love to hear you expand out for the second time, add some original sections/melodies, maybe a solo or something! You've got some good playing chops, show them off!


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There is some really good stuff here, though like was mentioned, the interpretation in the second half should be more personalized, and I feel that the leads gets buried in a few spots, and the rhythm guitars need a bit more bite. That fadeout is also not working for me. You clearly have some very strong chops, so where is the shredding solo?

There's a lot of good stuff here, but need further work.

No, please resubmit

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