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*NO* Leisure Suit Larry 3 'Thursday Night at Chippendale's'

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Ok, production is already arse. The bass sounds rather strong in the mids (assuming that's a bass) you need to punch it up a little but further down so it's not so piercing. Give the percussion a little more beef, it sounds like it has an AM-radio EQ right now.

Your sax playing isn't as impressive as it was in that Jurassic park remix. It's still good, but it's not too well timed in parts. You're still very good with that, I just think you need to maybe try making a few mixes without any saxophone so you can work on mastering arrangement and production without relying on one instrument.

So, sax is good, but the rest of the mix is blindingly dull and bad. The stuff in the background needs just as much attention as the sax, otherwise it just sounds bad and dull.


Edit: Subsequent listens have given me the opinion that this would make for excellent porno music.

Posted - It's somewhere in there [/shrug]

Provide some details on the source next time. Not gonna look though an 80-minute MIDI for the original.

At 2:32-long, you're gonna have to add more ideas and variation to this arrangement. Right now, it's too underdeveloped.

Sax work is pretty cool, but the backing instrumentation is too simple, quiet and sparse aside from that bass, which is too resonant. The production is lossy as hell.

You know better than all this, bro, but you keep limiting yourself because you don't do anything to get better at producing. Loads of potential based off the sax work, but most of the other instrumentation is bleh, and the sound quality doesn't help.


  • 2 weeks later...

I'm hearing some sort of weird artifacts going on in the cymbals. It sounds like there was some sort of strange encoding or noise removal used, which creates that characteristic "glittering" effect. If it's an intentional effect, regardless of how it was created, please take it out. It's distracting. Larry hit the nail on the head otherwise. This is ultra-sparse with extremely weak production values other than the sax. The drums are very boring, and yes, I know that often times this kind of lounge-y jazz often has minimal drums. However there's practically no variation in them at all. At the very least a few rim hits or brushed rolls on the snare would be in order.

The bass is indeed too resonant. It doesn't sound good, whether you try to hear it as a synth bass or a real one. I would suggest you just change that sound entirely. And as for the rest of the instruments.. well, wait, there are no other instruments. C'mon man. If you're going to use only three instruments total, with one of them taking prominence the entire time, at least make it interesting. There's nothing that caught my ear here in the arrangement. No significant changes to the tempo, rhythms, or chord structure. The ending is a copout.

This needs a lot more effort in both production AND arrangement.


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