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OCR03191 - *YES* Kunio Kun no Nekketsu Soccer League 'The Champion' *RESUB*

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previous decision


ReMixer name - Mak Eightman
real name- Max V. Kravchenko
userid: 32137 

Submission Information:
 Title - "The Champion"
link to RESUB - Attached
 Name of game arranged - Kunio Kun Nekketsu Soccer League(aka Goal 3)

 System: NES

 Name of individual song arranged - Ending(credits)
 Link to the original soundtrack - http://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PL068985D7A912F97A&feature=player_detailpage&v=3GCEPfRFqRo

FIFA2014 World Cup EP project.
Director: Hakstock

Hi! Had no time or wish to rerecord stuf, so I just remixed and remastered it. Thanks.



I don't think this is an improvement mixing-wise, if anything it is louder and more overcompressed.  The track is hitting -7db RMS, YOWZA that's loud.  This is the most compressed waveform I have ever seen, and I hear zero dynamics in this track.  This isn't going to do it.  I suggest you get some assistance with mixing and mastering it.


I still feel like the arrangement is too repetitive but it isn't the big dealbreaker here.  Why is the timbale so loud?


edit 5/13/15:  Listening to the newest version.  Night and day - mixing is significantly improved, now THAT'S what I'm talkin' about, THAT'S how the track should sound!!!!  I knew it was in there under all that smooshedness.  Still room for improvement in the mixing details, but nothing to keep it from passing.  


I hate to agree with zykO... and only because we've been dealing with overcompression on this track... but it could use just a TEENY bump in overall volume.  I'm seeing -14db RMS now, it could be bumped up to -12 or -10 without sounding too smashed.  If you do this, PLEASE DO IT CAUTIOUSLY.  It isn't necessary though, I'm not going to require it for the




I just got this message from Mak earlier today before this hit the panel... anyone have any ideas here? I've never heard of anything like this, but it may explain why the mastering is not improving.

Hello! Sorry for bothering.
I've send Kunio resub recently, but today i discovered something wierd about it. It sounds perfect in winamp and in my daw, but SUPER overcompressed in aimp. I dunno what it is, may be something broken.
Plz, check this as soon as you have some free time. I don't want to wait few month befor i know it was damaged. Thank you!
Sorry for bothering!!

  • 2 weeks later...



and that's pretty much where the buck stops. the compression has been mentioned quite a bit already but it's worth mentioning again; there is no dynamic in this at all. the extent of the dynamics in this track are when you force it with breaks that go 0-to-60 contrasting silence with LOUD. other than that, instrumentally, there is nada. 

the drums are the worst recipient of this. there's no reason why the kick and snare should nearly sound equally as loud. i know that snare tone is a matter of taste for many but i simply don't like this snare at all when it sits by itself in the soundfield. buried under the massive overdriven mix above it, sure, it isn't nearly as irritating but when it is not masked, it is abrasive. and LOUD. 


guitar is cool. you've got chops.


arrangement is too straightforward to help the track out. if it explored the source more and took it to different places, it'd have helped a lot.


i'm sorry but this track sounds like it's meth'd out. even when you break it down around 2:30, it doesn't feel like any kind of respite at all. it is still loud, intense and pretty much unchanged.

I'd like to wait until we figure out if there's something going on with the compression en route to us but as it stands, if this is what it sounds like, my vote is a NO.

Posted (edited)

Not a perfect production revision, but 90% of the way there. The important thing was that now you can actually hear the parts distinctly. The mixing could have used some more sharpness and higher frequencies; right now, it feels like all the highs got cut. The overall volume now seemed below other songs I compared it with, so there's too much empty space despite the power of the performance.
That said, nothing was mudding together anymore, and this is MUCH better as far as being able to hear the various parts. Great job on cutting the "frequency fat," so to speak, and finally letting the part-writing breathe here. Arrangement was strong stuff to begin with, so I'm still on board with that. Very nice job pulling this back from the brink, Mak!

EDIT (8/14): Just adding a note that Mak was able to bump up the volume after his last set of touch-ups, so everything's firing on all cylinders now. :-)

Edited by Liontamer
added note

well at least my face is still connected to my head this time around lol 

i still don't like the repetitiveness of the arrangement but in general, it is a good take on the original source even if it doesn't explore it beyond shredding the shit out of it. sonically, it has swung in the other direction now, away from being shrill and blasty to now being too quiet lol COME ON MAN


my only real hang up was how the previous file sounded and this is a much more listenable animal and now that i can hear all the parts, i can appreciate the arrangement much more. my vote is a tentative yes (bring up the volume a bit if possible. if nobody else feels that is necessary, i'm ok with how it sounds now)

YES (fix volume)


Agree with comments that this is a bit repetitive, but the high energy levels and drum change-ups do a lot to hold my interest. It's typical of what I expect of Max now - balls-out rocking, straightforward arrangement that fans are absolutely gonna love. Let's post it.



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