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Hey Zelda gamers, I just finished "Link Between Worlds" last night (after playing it like crazy for the last week and a half). I will say that the big reveal for Ravio probably made him my favorite character. He was entertaining to begin with, but imagining his design, it's like if Link had an dark-haired, taller brother. Other than that, I really enjoyed the Treacherous Tower. Survival mode challenges are some of my favorite things in video-games, as they are a good test of strategy and skill.


What about you guys? What were some of your favorite moments in "Link Between Worlds"?


Mine was all about the music.  Hearing some old tracks with new polish was great.  Some of the redone songs such as the Dark World theme was great. But then the new tracks were also amazing.. Loved the Water dungeon's theme.  But it had that old school feel which was both good and bad.  I didn't enjoy how short the dungeons were.. It just shows how much I've matured as a gamer. 15 minutes tops a dungeon vs being in them for an hour or more just left me hollow. But the game itself was well polished and fun. But yeah, music was where it was at for me.


Hearing Yuga hum his own theme song as he imprisons the priestess in a painting during the opening was pretty cool. There was something about that moment that made it perfectly apparent that the composer knew he had made a real earworm with his theme.


Hearing Yuga hum his own theme song as he imprisons the priestess in a painting during the opening was pretty cool. There was something about that moment that made it perfectly apparent that the composer knew he had made a real earworm with his theme.

Really? I never noticed that. That is a nice little piece in the game. I always find it cool when a character hums or whistles a popular theme song. Such as Conker the Squirrel with "Windy & Co." or Viewtiful Joe with the "Super Mario Bros." theme (while he's waiting for one of his "Shocking Pink" bombs to detonate [Viewtiful Joe 1]). 


Either way, Yuga and his theme are both welcome into the Zelda Universe for being so unique.


The whole game is superlative, but my favorite thing about it is how well the 3D is utilized.  It's especially noticeable in the mine sequence with the floating platforms.  Dash to the right off of the second one and you can skip the entire cave after a ridiculous flying leap that feels amazing with the 3D turned all the way up.


The whole game is superlative, but my favorite thing about it is how well the 3D is utilized.  It's especially noticeable in the mine sequence with the floating platforms.  Dash to the right off of the second one and you can skip the entire cave after a ridiculous flying leap that feels amazing with the 3D turned all the way up.

All these things to experience. I feel like I missed out on some of it XD


But finding the Hylian Shield, Blue Tunic, not to mention collecting all 20 hearts made me feel a little complete.


Hmm...ok so there is one other thing I need to get off my chest, with regards to aLBW...What's the deal with the bagpipe in Yuga's theme or one of his encounters? I remember when I encountered Yuga at some point I had my headphones on and then I get blasted with the most obnoxious sounding bagpipes(?) and had had to turn them down and thought WOW...a very rare miss for Zelda music. Other than that, soundtrack was spot-on, much love!...but still those bagpipes just stick out for me.

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